here's some things I will forever hold in my heart
• seeing Sydney for the first time and her being so happy she tripped
• these
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• and this one..this one is my favorite. it's really special to me because you could see how calm I was when I had her.
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I had my arms wrapped around her waist. my head resting on her shoulder. my mind set on holding her. my thoughts...I couldn't have showed her. you see some things you just don't forget...while other things you might really regret. I kissed her yes. but I missed her heart yet.
- b.a
• the kiss. it meant so much more to me than just putting our faces together. the simplicity of it makes me want it back. the meaning of it. we kiss people to show affection. I kissed her to get to know the feeling of kissing her because I thought we'd do it more. but she really didn't want it even though she really let me do it. I'll never forget the feeling of her lips on mine. her hands on my face. her touch. her scent. her eyes. yes, I was in love with her. and I'll always have this story to tell. it shall be one I won't forget. ever. she was my girlfriend for a day. forever implanted into my heart. leaving a big gaping hole where she once was.