Now This Debate is Horrible

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    I looks straight into Jeff's eyes, and took a deep breath.. "Jeff... there's something important I have to tell you." he looks at me with some concern and I take another deep breath to help prepare myself for the news... "uhh, what did you do earlier on your killing? You can tell me about how it went if you like." I smiled not bringing myself to telling him what I truly needed to say. "it was fine but.. What were you truly gonna say to me? And tell me the truth." I sighed.. Unfortunately I can be a bad liar at times.. And this is one of those times.. "well... I-" I noticed something in his pocket... "I want to know what's in your pocket." next thing I know is that he had a slight blush and he turned away.. My thought was that this was weird for a killer to be like that.. But of course he wasn't just any killer. He was biggest creepypasta icon. I know, i'm thinking this now after all that's happened but I have weird timing for thinking things. "well, I wanted to ask you something.. And its very important and I know its quick but i've never been like this before.. But..." he took a deep breath as if he was calming himself to say what he truly wanted to say. "(f/n), since the time we met I knew you weren't like any other person. You weren't afraid of things everyone else would be afraid of.. And because of that, I have the courage to ask one important question... (f/n) (L/n).. Will you give me the joy and happiness-" he goes down on one knee and pulls out a small white box from his pocket and pulls it out and opens the box to reveal a ring inside. "-that I believe you will give me forever by being my wife?" I just stand there looking at him and blush as my heart raced from the moment. "yes, I will marry you." I said with a smile across my face as he smiles and gets up from his knee and puts the ring on my hand and we kiss. "so, was there anything important you wanted to say to me originally?" he asked and I shook my head stating my response. Yes, lying to him wont be good. But I didn't want him to be upset right after he asked me.. Sure, I have a week till i'm supposed to go. But right now I cant do that to him..

~Jeff's POV~

Well, I cant help but think something is wrong and she's hiding something but ill ask her about it later. Right now I am happy of her answer to a question any man might ask. But I still cant get rid of this itch that something is completely wrong. But what is it that she's hiding? What has made her act like that? All I can ask is 'what is it?'.. I bet its nothing and she's just probably overthinking things.. Everyone does that, so it should be something she wants to face and if so then I will be there for her no matter what is it..

~(f/n) POV~

As I look at him he seems to be thinking a bit much.. I think I should ask him to see what's wrong with him.. "Jeff? What's going through your mind?" I asked as he looked my way. "just trying to figure out what you were wanting to say to me a moment ago." he replied back. "are you really that worried about it Jeff?" I asked looking at him. "well yeah, i'm worried about it cause its you and I want to know what it is.." he stated back. "oh, well... lets head back and ill explain everything then. That way you know what's going on." he nods and we hold hands then head back to the mansion. And as soon as we got to the mansion we headed to the bedroom and Jeff stopped in his tracks to see my stuff all over the place and bags opened with my stuff. "what the hell? (f/n), what's with all this stuff all over the room? Are you leaving?" I sighed at his question and I couldn't even look at him for my idea of look he's giving is nothing but sadness. "yes, but its only temporary.. I'm supposed to be gone no later then the end of this week. I'm sorry Jeff, I was meaning to tell you when we got to the lake but I just couldn't put the words together.." I look to him and seen what I thought but this time its worse then I thought.. I couldn't see his eyes for he was looking down and his hair covered his eyes a bit.. Next thing I knew is his hoodie pocket moved like his hands tensed up. "why.... Why did you wait till I asked for your hand in marriage? Why are you leaving in about a week? Why.... Why........ WHY!?" he yells as he then tosses his blood stained knife at one of the bags that's packed up and had only clothes.. Luckily.. "Jeff, I was honestly trying to tell you and-" "NO I DON'T WANT TO FUCKEN HEAR YOUR DAMN EXCUSE!!! YOU PLANNED THIS ALL ALONG DIDN'T YOU!?!?" he screamed at me.. My eyes got watery from the fact knowing I hurt Jeff, but what's worse.. I knew I shattered his heart. "i'm sorry... but its not safe for me if I stayed longer then a week.." "OH YEAH!? WHO FUCKEN TOLD YOU THAT!?" he screamed at me as I look down. "Slenderman said it wasn't going to be safe for me any longer if I stayed here any longer.. From what he told me, i'm being hunted down and its not safe for me." "AND HE THINKS I CANT PROTECT YOU!? IF I SAW ANYONE HURT YOU!! I'D-! I'd.... I'd do anything to keep you.." I looked at him and he just looks down then at me and pulls me close. "we only have 5 days to be together.. But I cant let you go... I love you too much to let you go like that." he said softly finally after he stopped his raging. "I love you too Jeff, but i'm only doing this because I cant be here and i'm doing it for your sake.." I told him as I looked deep into his eyes, and he looks deeply into my eyes. "lets get married 5 days from now.. That way were married and were promised to be together no matter what will happen." he stated looking at me and I looked to him and nodded in agreement. "yeah, lets get married in 5 days." he smiled and leaned in and we kissed and we started to pick up some of the clothes and he grabbed his knife and after a while of packing and some cleaning, we laid down and kissed as we then went to sleep.. But, I was mainly thinking of the wedding.. 'What will the theme be? What will it be like?' 'What dress will I wear?' 'What will I do after the wedding?' all those thoughts came into mind until I fell asleep.


Hey everyone! I hope your all enjoying the story so far!! And thanks for sticking around as long as you have! Even when I didn't update constantly. And the great news is that now this story has hit 1.04K!! And its all because of you guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day!

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