What Feeling Has Curse Me

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I finally woke up the next morning and saw jeff wasn't around and with that I went down to see where he could be but for some reason I couldn't find him, 'where could he be?' I thought to myself. I headed to the bottom of the stairs and as soon as I did my nose was hit with a burning smell. I run to the kitchen to see what was going on and what I saw was slenderman and jeff yelling at eachother in the kitchen while food was burning on the stove as I then rush in without thinking and got in between them just as slenderman was gonna strike jeff from him with a tentacle and I slammed to the wall. Thank goodness that I had been made a pasta, otherwise that would've killed me in a instant, then jeff got to yelling at him more.. Like always...... But I got up and pushed both of them aside and turned the stove off and got a pot holder and grabbed the skillet that contained the burning food and tossed the food out and went to the fridge and looked around for something simple to make after I tossed the skillet onto the stove like a city chick disgusted at a picture or something. "Uhh, morning??" Jeff said directed to me and I didn't bother turn around as I said "hello" more focused on trying to find something but failed to find something decent as I closed the door. I turn to face slenderman "I'm going to the town to find SOME kind of food everyone will like. That way I can make it and no one arguing." And without an answer I had left and gone to the town that happened to be where I came from.. I soon gone off to the store and grabbed enough for what could've been made a king size meal and gone back to the pasta house.

As I was on the way to the pasta house I got to thinking about what has been happening.. Soon, I drifted to a day dream..

I was standing in a field of flowers and looking at a sparkling light blue lake, and I thought the view was the most beautiful thing I could ever see. I was smiling, like I haven't smiled ever in my life.. "What do you think of the view?" And I turned to see jeff standing there in a buttoned shirt with a button or two down showing his chest a bit and his hands in the pockets of his dress pants. I gave a gentle smile towards him and walked to him and when I got close my arms wrapped around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist having us in a simple embrace, "I love the view jeff" and he chuckled in such a sweet way "do you mean me or the lake view" as I then giggled at his cheesy words.. "I think I love both of them, but maybe you more.." And I saw something in his eyes that sparkled with the view of nothing but pure love. He leaned in and our lips touched into a perfect and warm brace as I tilted my head showing the love I had for him.. This was the perfect moment of my life...
~end of daydream~

I bumped into something or someone and fell while I held the food close so they don't get ruined. I looked up just to see jeff. "Why are you blushing?" he asked towards me as I then looked at him. "I-I'm blushing?" and I knew I shouldn't have said that cause then he would've had me found out.. "Yes your blushing, don't play stupid with me dammit." He stated as it felt like a slap in the face and I got up. "I think the only one that's stupid here is you." I spat at him... For some reason, since that dream I've been very rude.. "We need to get to the pasta house so I can fix breakfast." I said as I walked.

(At the pasta house)

I get inside and get to making the breakfast, and as soon as I get halfway through I noticed just everyone at the doorway for the dining room and living room. "What? Can't I try to cook every once in a while?" I stated then got back to cooking as shortly after I said that someone wrapped their arms around my waist which made me jump so by reflex I elbowed whoever it was and I heard a tiny groan as I then looked back to see none other then jeff himself.. 'Way to go genius, you elbowed someone you like" and as soon as I thought that I shook my head. "Easy, what's with you?" He asked as I then looked at the food to keep cooking "I don't know what it is but I'll get over it." And I finished cooking shortly after jeff let go of me and left, I put the table together and I called everyone out to eat as they rushed in and sat down to eat. And to me, it was like a pack of wolves downing their meal like they haven't ate in years. I go to the room and jeff happens to be in there as he then looks up at me, "well, I think we should go off someplace.. I want to show you something amazing." He said as he then gone to the closet and grabbed out some clothes as he then looks at me again. "Wear something nice, I know you won't regret it." And with that he went to the bathroom and closes the door as I then go to look for a simple dress and sandals.. At least ones that look nice for girls, since for me it's my dress shoes so I only have one pair. I then go off to a different bathroom and close the door, after I got undressed I was given a note that slid from under the door. It wrote "meet me out front at 10, I'll be waiting. <3 jeff" and I smiled at it then shook my head at how I was acting. I hopped into the shower and got myself cleaned and ready, and when I finished I ran down the steps to get outside before 10 because I don't want to be late. But I saw jeff standing there and I felt my face blush pure deep red. He wore a white buttoned up shirt with a button or two down to show his chest a bit, he wore black dress pants and it wasn't the ones he used to go killing, and wore black dress shoes to finish it up. "Like what you see?" He said as I then blushed and shook my head to hide the blush and he chuckled at my reaction just like in the dream. "Well m'lady.. Let's go to where I've planned to take you from the start." He said as he then stretched out his hand and I stood there astonished how a killer would be so gentleman like, but I put my hand in his as he then walked with me and we went through the woods.. And where he took me, was amazing... "Wow, it's so beautiful." I gasped at the sight..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry, cliffhanger here. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry I haven't gotten to it in such a long time but I've had many things on my hands and just... It was too much.. But I'm on a trip for about a month and a half (6 weeks) and I thought I should keep up to my stories. But thank you all so much.. Already at over 800 views!!! Thank you all for making this a success so far, and I want to make a special about out to the one person I love. Thank you for showing me what it's like to love and giving me this love makes me so inspired to keep writing this story, I love you always and forever. And to the readers, thank you for sticking around to read the story. I'm so grateful! But hope you enjoy what comes up next!


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