So Much Beauty, Far More Pain

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I didn't realize but I woke up the next day and I still had the clothes on and in bed with Jeff holding me close to him. I smiled as I think about what happened.

I then realized I need to get cleaned up so I got up and grabbed a towel in a closet and went to the bedroom shower and started up my shower and got cleaned up. I then hear movement on the bed as if Jeff was waking up but like usual, never wanted to. I smiled and laughed to myself. I never thought I could feel like that about a killer.. none at all.. but I do have feelings for the killer..

I still find it crazy that some normal person like me, could like someone like him.. sure.. he is a badass killer but... to me... he seems more then that now. He seems like everything... and I won't let anything change that..

I got out of the shower and got dressed and got out of the room and saw slenderman in the bedroom sitting on the bed. "Umm... what's up??" I looked at him confused and he then stood up and walked to me as he then stood in front of me, towering over me.. "I need to tell you something first off.. but it's bad news" my heart sank at the feeling of it involving goodbyes... I hope it's not the case. "What's the news?" I asked curious and worried. "You can't be here too much longer. Something big will come here and I can't have you here and die and see Jeff wreck everything. So I'm giving you a week to leave.." I felt my eyes water up at the news... I just started being with Jeff and now I gotta leave him no later then a week from now!? No!! "I... understand." I say for that's all I can say to the moment. "It's for the best for now.. but I'll tell you more information later in my office" I just nodded my head before he made his leave and I left the room to go eat something and I saw Jeff wasn't around so I went back to the room and got my stuff and started packing my things to leave when I hear the door open and I jumped only to see eyeless Jack "why are you packing?" He asked as I then looked down "it can't stay... so I've been given a week for me to leave for better reasons." I stated back and he sighed. "Well, slenderman wants you in his office right now" I nodded in response as he left the room and closed the door and I then continued for a bit and hid my baggage before heading to slendermans office.

~Jeff's POV~
I laughed as I saw the bodied I had killed and I saw the woman I had killed with a ring.. I daydreamer at the thought and shook my head. "No, not yet.. but I'll consider.." I checked the wallets to see for money and there was enough for a ring.. but.. I'll just wait a day or two and see about if she is really wanting that kind of commitment.. so I hurried with the money to the nearest jewelry store and looked for something that might spark her interest.. "what would ahead like?" I said to myself till I saw a ring completely black and had a small black rose with red tints at the tip as it also had a tiny small diamond in the center and I smiled my true smile besides what I had carved. "Perfect" I got the persons attention and paid for the ring and ran back to the mansion hoping to talk to her and hope she would be ready when I ask the question.

~(f/n) POV~
I just sat there thinking of what more was said from slenderman and I just hit more depression then I truly was.. I wondered where Jeff could've been so I wouldn't be so down. He could brighten my darkest days and make me happier then anyone could. So I just laid down in bed and waited for him to arrive. I then hear the door open and see Jeff. "Hey, I wanna discuss something with you really quick." He said and I sat up. "What is it?" He came and sat next to me. "Well, I've liked you for a long time.. but I wonder if you've considered marriage at all in life." My heart skipped a beat a bit at the question.. "why do you ask??" I asked curiously. "Well, I know it's way WAY too soon to think about marriage but.. we live together, we're partners, we sleep in the same bed. So.. I was just wondering if you ever wanted to be married in your life.." I blushed a bit shocked at the point he made. "Yeah, I've wanted to be married eventually in life." I then see him smile a true smile and I smiled knowing that he was happy with my answer.. but the thing is... how much longer can this last considering I have to tell him the news eventually.. "Jeff, you wanna go to the lake right now? I wanna talk to the you about something." Jeff nodded and we headed off to the lake. I looked straight into Jeff's eyes, and took a deep breath.. "Jeff... there's something important I have to tell you."


HANGER!! Ok, I don't know for sure if it is a hanger but what will happen next might surprise you. But, will she ever tell Jeff the news of what slenderman had told her, will Jeff ask her to marry him so soon in the relationship, or will everything be chaos!? You'll see in the next chapter and with that said.. THANK YOU FOR THE 1K VIEWS!!! Thanks for sticking around this story for as long as you did.. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!


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