Introducing: Jane the Killer

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I go to answer the door but Jeff holds me back and shook his head no. Slenderman walked to the door and I couldn't believe who I saw, it was a girl.. She seems familiar of what I looked at... Then I see two twins and i feel sudden rage. It's Jane and Zack... She has my little brother and sister, and their crying. "Isn't it funny how your little sister is with the same name as me?" She states as i then feel rage start to consume me and the woman notices this and her smirk grew as she seen my reaction... "Let them go!" I yell as she then chuckled and looks at me, "Make me bitch." As I go to try to fight her Slenderman gets the kids from her easily and grabs her by the hair and kicks her out. "I TOLD YOU TO NEVER RETURN YOU TRAITOR!!!" Slenderman yelled then slams the door shut. Slenderman then walks to me as I can see his anger but then I feel jeff get behind me and holds onto me at my waist which gave me some comfort. Slenderman then looks at me right in front of me and I look up at him. "Do you really want to be one of us?" Slenderman asks and all I could do was look at him then look at my twin siblings then back at Slenderman and then finally nods in agreement. "Now, you have to deal with Jane and Zack. Since there is no mother." Slenderman says as I then walk up to them with tears in my eyes for this could be the last time I see them ever again. "Where are we going (f/n)?" Jane asks as tears start well up in her eyes. I look at Slenderman as he then crosses his arms. "Could they stay with me? We have no other relatives. Please.." I asked as if begging and he sighed. "Fine, might as well since they have no where to go. But just because they're here doesn't mean we can't kick you three out." He said sternly and I nodded.. "(f/n), follow me to the room you'll stay in." He said then jeff yelled out "give the twins the room, she can stay with me in my room!" Jeff said as I barely notice a soft pink on his cheeks and Slenderman sighed. "Fine, but you can't do anything like 'that' when it's done for two weeks if you want it." Slenderman said as me and Jeff blushed at that. Slenderman led Jane and Zack to their room and Jeff took me to his room and he sat on the bed and I looked at him patting at his lap and I just laugh a bit and try to sit next to him but failed because he grabbed me and had me sit on his lap. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I said with my face red as he laughed at my reaction Slenderman walked in. "Jeff, let her go... NOW!!!!!!!" He yelled as I then quickly get off his lap. "Now, I know this is going to hurt and burn you. But you wanted to." I looked at him and he showed a needle... Oh fuck.... I tried to get away then Jeff grabs me by my wrists and holds me down to the bed. Next thing I know I feel something poke my neck and shortly after I feel my neck start to burn as I then start to try and get Jeff off of me but was unsuccessful. Finally what felt like an hour it was over, I was panting from exhaustion and next thing I notice is Ben at the doorway smirking. "Have fun?" He said teasingly and I just threw a book at him. I don't why there was a book but there was.

~time skip~

It was time to try to sleep and I lay down as jeff is laying next to me. It was strange that I was laying next to jeff, a fucking KILLER!!! But but for some reason I noticed since the first day we met, I've never feared him really. During my thoughts, jeff got me out of it and I looked at him. "Hey beautiful." He said as I look at him "I'm not that pretty. Not at all. Especially compared to a bunch of the girls where I lived." And I look away as I feel him be upset of my comment then smirked. I looked at him confused and out of no where I get kissed and what feels about 5 minutes he gets on me and slips between my legs as he then grinds on me. I blush a deep shade of red and he goes to my ear and talks softly "your beautiful to me, I'm not saying it to be nice. I'm saying it because it's the truth." As he then kisses me and I slowly start to kiss him back holding back tears because I've never been told that ever. After what felt like 20 minutes he gets off me and lays next to me and pulls me close and gives me a quick kiss. As a girl and having the habit, I lay on my side with my head at his chest shoulder area, and my hand on his chest. I looked at jeff one last time then kissed him and got back to the way I was and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

~dream land~
I was laying in bed with the covers up to my shoulders and sit up then start to feel cold. I covered my chest to keep myself warm and felt something was missing... I looked down and my face flushed completely red as I then see jeff walk into the room shirtless, pants were unbuttoned, and zipper was down giving me a chance to see black boxers. I looked away as he keeps walking to me then he literally pounces on me and holds my hands with our fingers intertwined and places gentle kisses on my neck. For some reason I couldn't move, but it felt like my heart was going to go out of my chest... He then gets up and takes his pants and boxers off and climbs under the covers and gets on me like earlier and kisses me. I fall into his 'spell' as I like to call them and kiss back leading to us making out frantically. He then goes to my ear and whispers in a deep raspy voice "are you ready (f/n)?" I stare at him as he gives me puppy eyes and to answer I kiss him deeply as I feel something go inside and as I feel it he goes to my neck and bites while sucking on my neck giving me chills down my spine. He goes to my ear then whispers "till next time.."

~end of dream land~
I wake up completely red at my face and look down to see I have clothes on and look around for jeff. I sighed of relief the fact I have clothes on then I get up from the bed and look around as I feel arms wrap around my waist. I go to swing a punch but see it's jeff. "Hold on, don't need to be rough with me." He says as he smirks. At the remark I go to bed and lay down with the covers over my head. "What's wrong beautiful?" He asked as I then look at him. "Just tired.." I said then went under the covers again as I hear him chuckle. "I must've done a number on you for you to be tired." He said as my face turns red and sits up saying "HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW ABOUT-" was all I could say before he cut me off with a kiss then pulled away and looked at me. "You kept saying my name in your sleep, it sounds cute when you say my name. But cuter when your asleep and saying it." He says as I then go under the covers... I'm never gonna win this, I don't love him... Do I?

Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting! Just been busy with things for school and around the house. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!


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