t h r e e

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  The fair had so much bright lights, and people running around in costumes, that you didn't really know who was just a carnival goer. I stepped out into the street, and looked around me. Nobody I knew so far, I was good to go. Emma dragged me over to the cotton candy, and bought herself one, I declined her offer.

  "Oh, Jake! Can we go on the roller coaster?!" She shrieked, and I widened my eyes, shaking my head. "Not happening. Go on by yourself, I'll be here!" I smiled, and she shrugged, and got into line up for the coaster.

  I didn't really like roller coasters, they went too fast and high for my liking. I scanned the streets once more, my eyes landing on the back of a very familiar person. He turned around, and I cussed loudly, a woman close by gasped, and dragged her child away.

  I yelled a sorry after her, she didn't turn around. Kyle had not noticed me yet, and I planned to keep it that way. What was he doing here?! He had his back turned away from me, but he didn't seem to be with anyone. He had to be alone, he traveled here from a far distance, I think it was somewhere around California or something. I didn't pay attention when he told me.

  Emma's coaster cart was finally getting ready to leave, as it was full. She waved at me, and I gave her a thumbs up. She put her hands over her mouth as it picked up speed, and she was gone within seconds.

  I sighed, as I happen to do a lot of, and twisted so my back was to Kyle, and I could still see a nice clear view of the fair.

  "Hey, you here all alone?" A flirty voice asked, and I turned around, a teenager with long blonde hair was staring at me, smiling. But not a real smile, it was flirty, slutty. I rolled my eyes, and looked at her, she was waiting for an answer.

  "No." I said, turning back around to face the streets, and away from her.

  "Gee, crankcase, what's crawled up your ass?" She huffed, and walked away. I groaned, I hadn't meant to be mean, I just didn't want to speak to anyone. Then again, all I said was no, was that really mean?

  I heard screams from the coaster, and I glanced up, hands were raised in the air, the coaster was going full speed now, it twisted on an angle, erupting more screams, then did a loop, and headed out of sight again. It better hurry up, I would ease Emma to the other side of the fair, as far away from Kyle as possible.

  I still had my back turned away from him, when Emma came bounding across the way towards me. I heaved a sigh of relief, and looked up. "How was it?" I smiled, and she beamed back, "Great! You should have came on with!"

  I shook my head, chuckling, and started walking away from Kyle, turning to make sure he was still there, he was.

  Emma hurried along beside me, anxious to see everything and everybody. "What do you want to go on now?" I asked her, and she bit her lip, looking around the park as we walked.

  "How about that?" She asked, and pointed towards a large ride, its carriers were lifted into the air, in a circle, and then the carriers themselves would twist and turn. My stomach twisted and turning just watching it!

  "Um..." I stuttered, and she drooped her mouth down into a frown, and gave me big watery eyes. She was the ONLY one who could get away with that. Not even a dog could in my eyes.

  "Fine." I pouted, and she cheered, pulling me towards the lineup. Once in line, she dug in her pocket for her tickets, and I pulled two of few I had in my pocket.

  We passed them to the ticket counter, he didn't look very pleased to be doing his job. I hid a chuckle as I walked by.

  Emma entered a carrier, and I followed suit, but the man helping people in held me back, "Sir, this carrier is now too full, you'll have to find another." He grumbled. I looked at Emma, she was already buckled in, and she was trying to undo her stuff to come with me, but I held up my hands, "Stay there, Em. I'll just go to the next one." I smiled, and it seemed to ease her peace of mind.

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