t w e n t y s e v e n

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"Dean?" I grumbled out, it sounded like I was choking, or I didn't have a voice. I couldn't open my eyes, what happened? I felt woozy, and so ill. Like I was ready to sleep forever, like I was dead.

Nobody answered me, and I tried to pry my eyes open, I tried calling out again, calling Dean's name. I heard a small sigh beside me, and I turned my head towards the noise.

"Hey, sweetie.." It was Emma. Not who I was really hoping for, but she was great too, "What happened?" I choked out.

She shushed me, "You're not supposed to talk, they had a tube down your throat a few hours ago, after you came out of surgery."

"Surgery?!" I said, immediately breaking into a coughing fit, my chest heaved over, and flem came up my throat. Maybe no talking was a good idea. Emma sighed, and I felt her hand on my face.

I felt out for her hand, and gripped it in mine, "Yes, surgery. Your virus was worse than we'd ever expected, that's why it came on so quickly.." She paused, and sighed again, like she was holding back tears. I wished I could see her, just open my eyes to see her face.

"Just relax, and I'll tell you everything." I used my other hands to point to my eyes, "They made you sleep for a long, long time. It might take awhile for your body to wake up, and the light will burn your eyes, but you'll adjust again."

I sighed, and thankfully, that didn't hurt. I waited, and Emma didn't speak. I reached for her hand again, and she chuckled, "Right, the story. It was only a couple days ago, but it felt like seconds. You and Dean were sleeping on the floor, and the next morning, you wouldn't wake up.." She trailed off, like it was harder to continue.

I narrowed my eyebrows. Dean. Where was Dean? That was days ago? It felt like just last night..

"How.. many days?" I grumbled, I could almost see my sister roll her eyes, "Of course you speak when you're not supposed to. I forgot, you're Jake," she paused, "four days."

I inhaled. Four whole days? I was down for four days. It was Christmas Eve tomorrow. I felt like crying. I didn't even go out to get Dean anything. I let got of Emma's hand and tried to pry my eyes open.

She pulled my hands away and shoved them to my sides, "Jake, what's wrong? No wait, don't answer me."

I did anyway, "Christmas.." Was all I could muster. She sighed again, then I heard her chuckle, "It's still three days away, Jake. Are you sure you're okay?"

Three? I felt like sleeping again, my sense of.. anything, was gone. I needed to get Dean something, I promised him something good, something amazing. I couldn't control what happened next, a few tears rolled down my face.

Why did something bad always have to happen when something good was right around the corner? Every damn time. I needed to see Dean, I needed to apologize.

"Dean's going to be so happy that you're awake, Jake. He should be in again, soon. I'm sure him and Charlie went out to eat. Even the doctors didn't expect you to wake..

"Dean is heartbroken over it. The doctors wheeled you away so fast, he never even got to see you for hours. The doctors came in and told us you needed emergency surgery, and Dean crumbled. He couldn't handle it. They said you had a severe virus in your stomach, and there was bacteria there, deadly bacteria. Surgery would fix it..

"And it did, Jake. You're okay, you're okay.." I felt her body come down on mine, and it startled me, but I wound my arms around her, and kissed the top of her head. Dean was heartbroken?

"Get.. him.." I said, then sighed. The pain that burned across my throat itched at me, making me swallow noisily.

"I'll call him, do you want me to call him?" She asked, and I nodded, choosing not to speak this time.

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