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I yawned loudly and rolled over. I kinda wanted a few more hours rest before getting up, but in habit, I clicked on my phone to check the time.


  I widened my eyes and jumped up, only to trip over the blankets and fall onto the floor with a loud THUMP.

  I groaned and lay there. Then Dean gasped, saw me on the floor and started chuckling.

"Morning, fall out of bed?" He asked between laughter. I sighed and nodded, "Sort of."

  I untangled my legs from the blankets and tossed them back at Dean, "Shit! Shit, shit, shit!" I had forgotten my bag at Charlie's. I guess I'd have to change when I got there.

  I pulled on my jeans and shirt from yesterday and ran to sit by the fireplace to put on my shoes.

  "In a hurry?" Dean muttered from the bed. I looked up at him, with my shoes completely on and one hand on my coat. His face was pointed down at his hands.

  "I'm late for a job interview. And Emma will be too if I don't get my ass out of here."

  He nodded and gave me a weak smile. I paused with my coat, then I pulled it on as I walked back over to Dean.

   I wrapped my arms around him, pushing him back down on the bed, "I'll miss you, though." I whispered, and I felt his smile against my neck.

  Then I pulled back to plant a kiss on his stunned lips. He smiled at me as he watched me run to the door, "Don't be gone long." He winked, and it made me want to just forget the interview and jump back in the bed. I even hesitated, but with a smile and a wave, I closed the door behind me.


"Jake, you're so late! I would really think you'd show up early! What took you?" Charlie scrambled with Emma's coat and boots as she shoved them towards her. Emma just smiled at Charlie and rushed by me out of the door.

  "Thanks Charlie!" She called as she ran down the steps and towards my car, I waved to Charlie as she followed me outside to stand on the step, waving us as we drove off.

  "I bet it's really nice for her to have company." I said as I sped down the highway towards the city.

  Emma nodded, "I really like living with her. I know I'm gonna have to get my own place eventually."

  I shrugged, "What's the rush?"

  "When are you bringing Dean by to see her?" She asked, applying lip gloss as she looked into the mirror above her.

  "I don't know, I know he wants to, I asked him."

  She gasped and snapped the mirror shut, "You asked him? He knows you know Charlie?!" I chuckled and shook my head.

  "No, no. He knows nothing about that, but I know he wants to see her again. I kinda wanna.. you know, make it a birthday surprise."

  She nodded, I could tell she understood, even though she didn't say anything, but then, "How are you and Dean? You guys pretty close now?"

  I flushed and kept my eyes on the road, careful to keep a smile from forming. Close really wasn't the word..


  I sighed, "When I know, I'll tell you. Trust me. I want to wait until he sees Charlie."

  "You guys totally date, don't you?!" She shrieked, I could see her smile in the corner of my eye. I shrugged, "He's a very good kisser." 

   She gasped, and squealed, "Jake!" I pulled up outside of the coffee house, for the first time ever, seeing the name, "FOAM"

  A coffee house called Foam, that's kinda cheesy, but it works. Emma ran to my side as we walked towards the entrance. The sky was a nice blue, with a few clouds roaming around. The snow had stuck to the ground, but the roads were scotch free.

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