t w e n t y e i g h t

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  The moment from which Dean left the room, promising to be back in minutes, I had made up my mind. Nobody was around, doctors whizzed by holding clipboards and looking important, but none of them had stopped to even glace at me.

I was alone, and finally glad to be.

I pulled every tube and needle out of my body - with great effort and pain, of course - and pulled the gown tight around my body. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and took a steady breath.

I then eased my bare feet onto the cold tile, my brain reacted almost instantly, I gripped onto the bed for support, but my knees felt the tiles cool temperature.

I groaned as I shoved myself off of the floor, and back into a standing position. I still kept a keen eye on the windows around me, making sure Dean nor Emma would come back. Charlie and Anna had went out, I didn't know why, but they said they'd be back tonight.

I don't know how, but slowly, and surely, I made it out into the hallway. Gripping onto the walls for dear life, I strolled. Nurses and Doctors stared, but I didn't make eye contact, and they left me alone. I silently thanked god for it.

Where was I going? Honestly, I didn't have a clue, some kinda store, maybe. I had sneaked a couple bucks out of my jeans pocket in a clear bag on the window sill.

I probably should have gotten dressed before leaving, but I just wanted to get out of there - fast.

I thought maybe there'd be a store in here, they had to have one. For all the grieving families here spending days and weeks at the hospital. They had to have necessities. Had to.

I pulled the gown protectively around my body as I walked, trying to ignore the many looks I got as I went. I cautiously looked behind me every few minutes, hoping against hope that Emma didn't find me, and especially - Dean.

He couldn't know what I was up to, nobody could, if someone found out what I was planning, they'd surely -


I cussed silently under my breath, Emma came bounding towards me, "What in the hell do you think you're doing?!" She whisper-yelled.

I sighed, "You wouldn't understand." I whispered back, trying to step around her, but she blocked my path, "You need to get back to that room before Dean comes back and see the state you've left it in, he's going to think you died, Jake."

Confusion crossed my face, she rolled her eyes, "You really didn't see it?" I shook my head, "I see you pulled the needles out of your arm, and you left them strewn across the bed, hanging from the machines to the floor. The blankets are twisted, and your bag full of clothes is on the floor."

"How does that make it seem like I died?" I whispered, she looked down, "Because it looks like you left in a hurry, or someone took you.. in a hurry.."

I sighed, and put my hands on her shoulders, waiting until she looked up at me, when she did I smiled, she tried to return it, "Em, I think it's you who was worried."

"Why did you leave?" She asked, I pulled away, and stepped around her, she didn't stop me this time. I couldn't tell her why, I couldn't let her know the real reason I left to buy him something.

"Jake.." She pleaded, and I didn't have to turn around, that might have made it worse, I knew the face she had on.

"I need to get him something for his birthday, anything. Something special." I whispered, but I didn't turn to meet her gaze. I heard her sigh, "That's what this is about?"

I nodded, her tiny body appeared in front of me, "Jake, he's crazy worried about you, and crazy in love with you. The only thing he cares about right now is your health, he won't care about his birthday."

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