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I waved Dean goodbye as I watched him walk through the gate at the end of the park. I sighed as he gave me a smile, then disappeared behind the bushes.

I turned my car around and headed to the known address of his sister. How was I going to get her to listen to me long enough to explain? How was I even going to explain to her?

Oh hey Charlie, just wanna explain to you about Dean. Your parents kinda didn't want him around, so they shipped him off to a foster home, and I know you had no idea why he was going, and I know they lied to you, and I know, completely, that you want to see him again, and he misses you, and wants more than anything to see you again.

But the thing is, Charlie. He doesn't know I'm doing this, so please, just listen to me with the spot in your heart you know you still have for him.

I shrugged to myself, that didn't actually sound too bad..

I really hoped her parents didn't come to the door, I didn't even want to see their faces. They had hurt Dean so much, I couldn't bare even the thought of seeing them.

I sighed as I parked a little bit of ways from Charlie's home. How was I going to go about this? Wing it? I guess I had to.

I exited the car into the chilly air. The days were getting so cold. I jogged towards the front porch, and to my surprise, the door opened before I had even reached the steps.

"You're really asking for me to call the cops." Charlie came into view as I walked nearer. I shrugged, "All I want is for you to listen to me, long enough for me to explain, at least." I smiled warmly, and she paused, inhaling deeply.

"Come on in." She sighed, and I hesitated, completely shocked. That was easier then I thought it was going to be.

But as she entered her home, I didn't wait much longer to follow her.

I shut the door behind me as I entered, warmth hit me, and I exhaled deeply, enjoying it.

"I don't even know your name." She said as I followed her into a family room. She had such a beautiful home, my heart stung as I thought about Dean's living conditions. I still couldn't believe a parent could do such a thing..

She sat down on a lovely leather couch, and I followed after her, sitting down on the nearest chair, "I'm so sorry, my name is Jake Owens. Thank you for listening to me."

She nodded, "Nice to meet you, I'm pretty sure you know who I am. I wanna know how." She stated, crossing her legs, I nodded, "Understandable. See, I recently found more about Dean's past, and he told me what happened that day. I'm.. a little bit glad to tell you that the story your parents told you was wrong."

She raised her eyebrows, "My parents never told this story. As you can see, they're never around, no cars in the driveway, I'm quite alone in this home, I live alone." She admitted.

I was shocked, so they'd left her, too? "Where are they, if you don't mind my asking?"

"My mum died just last year, she was battling cancer for many years, then it just took her away from us. My dad ended up just leaving. I guess he couldn't handle being alone, but that's okay. I'm well old enough to take care of myself." She nodded, like it was still an extremely touchy subject.

"I'm so sorry Charlie.." I whispered, she shook her head. "I miss them, but I'm glad my mum died smiling." She smiled to herself, I was unable to.

"Charlie, I want to tell you what really happened that day.." I whispered, she looked back up towards me, nodding.

"Dean had told me that you weren't there that day, by the little corner store where you always met up after school. He had waited for you, a long time," She bit her lip, remembering, I continued, "he eventually ended up just walking home and you were there, I know you remember that."

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