Twenty Two

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Macey Pov

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Macey Pov

It's as though the moment the words came out my mouth that my my life started crashing down all around me. My ears ringing with the sounds of Namjoon yells.

"What the fuck!" He yells at me. His fists ball up and his cut knuckles are going white from the strain.

"You were there with him alone, do you know what else could have happened!" He yells once again.

"Namjoon I swear, I saw the bruises all over his body and I comforted him. He kissed me and I walked straight out" I say trying to calm him down.

Namjoon stops dead in his tracks, and that's when I notice the bruise on his cheek.

"What the hell happened when I left the other night" I ask him, a little fear showing in my voice.

"He was out of line, I let him know that" Namjoon says hoarsely.

"You didn't have to beat him up Namjoon" I say, my voice shaking.

"Are you seriously fucking sticking up for him? Namjoon yells suddenly up in my face. He inches closer and closer to me and the feeling taking over my body is something I've never felt from him before: fear.

He puts his hands on my shoulder and slams me up against the wall. The grip has on my shoulder's is strong, pinning me in place.

"Did he do this to you?" Namjoon whispers, looking me deep in the eyes, his grip not giving up.


"Well did he?" He whisper yells, his face dipping into the crook of my neck.

"Please, nothing happened -" I try to say but Namjoon just cuts me off again.

"Did he kiss you like I do?" He says with disgust as he traces his fingers angrily up and down my neck.

"Namjoon I swear-"

"Shut up Macey! Why do you constantly keep trying to justify his actions-"

"I'm not!" I yell at him placing hands against his chest trying to push him off but he's too strong.

Tears are brimming at my eyes but I fight my hardest for them not to release. "Namjoon I love you, not Jimin" I say in the most defeated voice. He grabs my face in his hands and angrily kisses me, biting my lip hard accidentally causing it to bleed.

Suddenly hands are wrapped around Namjoon pulling him off of me. Blood trickles a little down my lip as I look at my boyfriend, a mixture of rage, lust and guilt on his face. Jin's fingers are trying to brush away the blood as he makes sure I'm okay.

"Namjoon, you've gone too far" Jin says.

"I've been easy on the fucking kid-" Namjoon begins to say.

"I mean to Macey you idiot!" Jin yells at him. For as long as I've known Seokjin, I've never heard him raise his voice or get angry.

Namjoon ignores Jin and I as he walks for the door.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him" is the last words I hear come out of his mouth.

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