Chapter 4

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Everyone gathered in the kitchen ready for the dinner Alfred prepared which was spaghetti and milk formula. Batman walked into living room to retrieve his son. He walked over to his basket net to find him awake and looking around with his mesmerizing blue eyes. Batman smiled and picked up his baby. He walked into the kitchen to find everyone at the table with some trying to feed protégés and some feeding themselves. Alfred passed him the bottle and he sat down at the table as well. He put the bottle in his mouth and Robin started eating. Batman sat there and watched him to make sure he won't fall asleep. Once he finished he passed him over to Wonder Woman who gladly burped him. Batman went and changed in something more comfortable (The team figured out his identity already) and got a pacifier from Robins bag. He walked back in to find everyone cleaning themselves up. Green Arrow decided to put on a movie.

Once all the kids were in front of the TV and snuggled into their blankets, they started the movie, Bruce held Robin and he was now alone because the rest also decided to change. Once everyone was back, they all watched the movie with their protégés in their laps or snuggled against them. Robin was in Bruce's arms still but now had his pacifier. He looked up at his father and reach for him. He gave him hand and he played with it.
Once the movie was over, everyone was asleep but Batman and Robin. He smiled down at his boy and stood up. He pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and placed it over everyone on the couch. He walked out with Robin still sucking the pacifier and went to Bruce's room. He laid down on the King sized bed and made a guard for Dick so he doesn't roll off. He placed down the almost sleeping child and laid down himself. He pulled up the sheets over him and Dick.
But before Bruce fell asleep, he leaned over the mountain of pillows and kissed his now sleeping baby on his cheek. He leaned back down and fell asleep.

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