Chapter 10

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Robin woke up crying an hour later right as dinner was being prepared. Bruce immediately went upstairs to his bedroom and sighed as his little bird came into view. He gently picked I'm up and cradled him to his chest, wrapping the infant in warmth. Dick calmed down quickly and looked into his fathers eyes. Bruce looked directly back and swiftly stepped out of the room and down the stairs without breaking eye contact.

Entering the kitchen, everyone sat down in their chairs which had dinner in front, pretending they weren't fighting a minute ago about who was going to hold Dickie. Bruce sighed and sat in his chair with baby formula in front of him. Placing Dickie in one hand with the bottle, he got to eating his own dinner. Everyone followed suit and watched Dickie look at each of them with his mesmerizing eyes. They smiled and made funny faces at him, even Jason, trying to make him laugh. He giggled and smiled into his bottle, quickly going back to eating his formula.
Bruce smiled at his kids and looked down to see Dickie finished with his bottle, just chewing on it with his gums. He took the empty bottle and patted him on the back a few times, making sure to get on the burps. Dickie sighed and cuddled into his shoulder and listened to his fathers deep rumble as he said, "Im giving Dickie a bath and you all better be in your room by the time I put him down. And I will be checking." Everyone nodded with a roll of their eyes and watched as Bruce went upstairs.

Bruce put the nude bird into the filled Luke warm sink and started wetting him, making him smile. Dickie was leaned back into Bruce's hand so he closed his eyes, putting full trust in his fathers hands. Bruce gently started to knead the soap into his hair, trying not to wake the baby who was on the verge of passing out.
He poured a cup of water of Dickie's head and grabbed a washcloth and rubbed softly over his skin.
Washing him off, he grabbed a towel a swaddled him making sure he was dried off. Placing him in a diaper and new onesie was easy as Dick was passed out.
Bruce placed him in the crib with his blanket and made sure he was covered before walking out of the room quietly.

He checked everyone's rooms and sure enough everyone was in their rooms doing something and said goodnight as he went room to room. He went downstairs and said goodnight to Alfred who passed him a bottle of formula for when Robin wakes up and made his way back to his room to shower and get well needed rest.

Walking into the room freshly shower and in just sweatpants, he checked his bird who was still sleeping. He crawled into his king sized bed with grey and black sheets. Bruce passed out easily and slipped into unconsciousness.

He woke up at 4 in the morning like expected and got up to grab Dick. He grabbed the baby and sat back in his bed against the headboard. Bruce grabbed the formula from the bedside table and gave it to his bird. He watched the infant suck most the milk out before pushing it away, not wanting any more. Bruce placed the bottle back on the table and turned Dickie so he was laying straight on his chest. Lightly tapping his back, Robin fell back asleep within a few minutes. Bruce sighed and slid down to lay down, pulling the covers over themselves. He placed his hands over the bottom of Dickie to make sure he wouldn't fall off and closed his eyes to fall back asleep. And the darkness greeted him once again.

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