Chapter 8

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Terry once again woke up to crying and did his daily routine with his baby and fell back asleep but was soon reawaken by crying.
Already knowing it was 6:00, he got out of bed and wen to the kitchen to calm the hungry bird. He walked in with the crying baby and saw the mentors already up and the kids eating breakfast. Diana passed him a warm bottle in which he smiled thankful for. He gave the hungry Robin the bottle which he gladly took and Terry passed him to Oliver who was getting used to it and made himself a cup of steaming coffee.
They all sat and ate in silence, enjoying the peace.
After breakfast, they all went to the playroom which had matted floors and toys spreaded throughout. But Oliver who still had the precious little bird quickly saw a bouncer and put him in that. Not liking being in the chair, he looked up with teary eyes and a quivering bottom lip.
Terry quickly saw his reaction and ran to grab him. Quickly placing his in his arms, he shhed his baby Robin making him calm down. He snuggled deeper into the warm chest and stayed there, not wanting to let go.
Terry smiled at the Dickie and sat in the rocking chair to try and let him sleep. The others watched silently and started playing quietly to not disturb the kid.
But Artemis wanted to see if she could hold the baby so she went up to Terry and tapped his shoulder making him look to her.
"Can I hold the baby?" Terry smiled and stood up, letting her sit down. He leaned down and bring the baby into her waiting arms. He correctly fixed her arms and Dickie looked up at her with his baby blues making her smile. She looked up at Terry and now Oliver and said "He's got amazing eyes."
They nodded in agreement and Terry noticed Dickie slowly closing his eyes, going down for a nap. He leaned down and took him from his grasp, making her frown. Terry realized her reaction and said gently, "Im going to put him down for a nap so y'all can play." She nodded and stood up and went to the others.

Terry walked out with a now passed out Robin but he didn't expect to run into Bruce on the way to his room. And for some reason, Bruce was carrying a duffle bag and a tray of vials. Terry whispered "What are you doing here?" Bruce looked down at his youngest son and whispered back, "I made a cure which will age them 6months every month and I brought some teething rings, baby food, and more clothes for you." Terry nodded and waved a hand for him to follow.
They went into the bedroom and Terry placed the Robin on the bed with the pillow guard. Bruce placed the bag on the other side of bed and they walked out leaving the bird to his dreams.

In the kitchen, they mixed the cure with drinks and put them in sippie cups for the kids. They went to the play room to see all of them playing and passed out the drinks. Watching the drink it, they watched them slowly grow their 6months slowly.

The mentors not knowing what was happening, freaked out and started asking questions to Bruce. He held up a hand stopping all sounds and said monotonously, "I gave them a cure where they will grow 6months every month." The mentors sighed and nodded, relieved.

After 2 hours Robin woke up hungry and Terry gladly gave him the bottle with the cure. After he was finished, Terry felt him slowly gain a little bit of weight but didn't grow in height, not surprising him. Bruce smiled one of his rare ones and said "He's now exactly 6 months so teething will start." Terry smiled back and nodded. He walked back to his room and got a teething ring from the black bag. Walking back to the kitchen he found everyone starting to sit down for lunch but he already gave Robin his milk. Spotting Bruce, he walked over to him placing the baby in his arms instead. Robin gladly went to his fathers arms and snuggled into his shoulder mouthing on his ring. Bruce smiled at the comfort he brought but his smile soon dropped at the sound of his sons voice saying something he wish he didn't,

"Why don't we bring Robin home for a few days? The family could have some bonding time with him?"

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