Chapter 6

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Nightwing, Red Wing, Red Robin, and Red Hood stayed for a few hours playing with the kids especially their baby bother. The team were surprised to meet his brothers but had fun talking and playing.
The group of brothers were about to Zeta Tube back when Bruce came in with Robin. He stopped them and said "Terrence, Can you stay and watch Robin while I go to the Manor for a few days?" Nightwing smiled and said "I would love spending time with my baby brother" "Great I'll go get my stuff while you go get your clothes." Terry, as he prefers, took the child and walked through the teleport.
He walked in to the Batcave to already find Cass and Steph there so he walked up to them and said "Hey, I'll be gone a few days to stay at the Cave so Bruce can home so behave yourselves." They nodded and he walked away before they could notice the sleeping baby. He passed him to Tim because he's the most responsible and walked his room and got his clothes together.

After 20 minutes of packing he was finished so he walked down to the Batcave to leave when he heard crying and yelling. He walked in and saw Cass yelling at Tim "Your the one that woke him up! Not me!" Tim yelled back while holding a wailing Robin"No it isn't! He was sleeping till you started poking him!" Terry had enough and said "Be quiet! You know Dickie hates fighting so it's both of your faults"  They stopped and he walked up to Tim with his bag on his shoulder and took the baby. He put him on his shoulders and started bouncing him. He quieted down after a few minutes and fell asleep again. He said goodbye to him and told them not to wreck the Batcave till Bruce got there. Terry Zetaed to the Cave again he saw Bruce and Wonder Woman waiting for him. They walked up with another bag and Terry passed the child to Diana who walked off with him. Bruce passed over the bag and said "This is his diaper bag everything is in here. There's more diapers in most bathrooms too. There's formula in the bag also and he wakes up around 4 in the morning to be fed." Terry nodded at the new information and left to Bruce's room were he and Robin were staying.

After he unpacked everything, he walked out to find everyone in the living room. It was now 8pm so it was understandable that their watching a movie. He saw Wonder Woman with Robin so he walked up to her and asked "Have you fed or changed him?" She shook her head and passed him to Terry, understanding what he was doing. He made the formula and gave it to the hungry child. He walked out to the others and gave him to Green Arrow now Oliver Queen, surprising him that he got the kid.
Terry changed into PJ's walked back to the the protégés and mentors to find birdie done eating and burping just relaxing in Oliver's arms. He walked over and retrieved his baby brother and walked back to his room into the bathroom that's connected. He gave Robin a good bath and clean diaper and clothes. The now shirtless Terry hopped into bed and cradled the sleepy Dickie Bird to his bare chest. Robin leaned into the chest and fell asleep listening to the heart beat of his big brother. Terry fell asleep a few minutes later watching his baby brother sleep.

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