Chapter 9

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Bruce sighed as he walked through the Zeta tube with a cheery Terry and a passed out Robin in his arms. They were immediately greeted by the family in the Cave, trying to get a good look at their baby bird that everyone wanted to hold. Terry and Bruce glanced at each other in annoyance, not wanting to deal with a wailing Dickie, they both put their fingers into their mouths and blew.
The family silenced at the screech and backed away from the trio, waiting to see why they caused them to do that. Bruce DaddyBat glared at them and whispered, "Dickie is sleeping. You can see him when he wakes up. Now Alfred, is his crib set up in my room?" He looked to his friend and sighed when he replied just as softly, "Of course, Master Bruce. As well as some toys were placed in a basket." Bruce nodded as a thank you and turned to Terrence, gently grabbing the child from his arms. He cradled the precious child to his chest before passing the overnight bag Terry was supposed to use at the Mountain.

He silently walked up the dark stairs with his bird in arms, ignoring the other many pairs of steps behind him. As they all reached the top, everyone went in different directions to do their own daily activities while Bruce went upstairs to his Master bedroom to put the baby down. Quickly spotting the red and black crib, he swiftly walked over to the corner and pried the chubby hands from his shirt. Softly and gently, he placed him on the plush crib and swaddled him in his blanket with his elephant he remembered to pick up before leaving the Mountain. He smiled a rare smile at the soft puffs emitting from his son and left, not wanting to disturb the dreams.

Knowing his family would want some answers, he entered the living room to see (unsurprisingly) the whole family draped across the couches. He looked at each of them closely before setting down in the empty recliner next to him and said, "You may now ask the questions you have. BUT one at a time." Tim stood up, "What caused him to de-age this time?" He sat back down between Damien and Stephanie as Bruce said monotonously, "A type of gas attacked them, unexpectedly. We are still going over footage to find out what exactly happened." They nodded and watched as Jason stood up, "Who's on baby duty? Because... I'm not picking up shit." Bruce glared at his foul language as Jason sat down calmly and said, "Terrence and I are taking care of him. Any help is welcomed." Once again they nodded and the next to stand was Stephanie, "I heard the entire team was de-aged. Where are the others staying?" "The team is staying at the Mountain with their mentors watching over them. Some of them will bring them home and some not. Any more questions?" "Nope!" Everyone chorused together and stood up at once, leaving all together. Bruce looked at Alfred and said seriously, "What happened to them? Did I do something wrong?"
Alfred just turned and walked out of the room, leaving the father behind Ed unanswered.

Sorry for not updating peeps! Been busy with a lot of things but hope this is good! Bye bye!!☺☺


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