Chapter One-Surprises

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"Bulma are you home?" said chiaotzu as he entered capsule corp.  He walked inside then saw Bulma coming around the corner. "Hi bulma."

"Hey Chiaotzu what's going on?... Where's Tien? Usually you two are inseparable" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"I'm doing fine thank you, as for tien he's at home something is very wrong with tien lately...He's been, MOODY he's never been moody but this time he is. When I asked him something he snapped at me for nothing at all…." Chiaotzu said with a worried look on his face.

"He's been moody... That's not like him at all." Bulma said with now even more concern. "And you say he snapped at you? For no reason? Yes that is certainly not the Tien I know. Is he having any other weird changes?" She asked.

Chiaotzu nodded, "Well there is some weird changes in him. Lately he's been throwing up in the morning, and having strange cravings."

Bulma's eyes widened. She recognized the symptoms instantly and put her hand to her mouth.

"What Bulma? What's wrong?" Chiaotzu wondered now showing her previous look of confusion.

"Has Tien been seeing anyone lately? Like relationship wise?" She asked removing her hand from her mouth.

"Well he's been seeing Yamcha, you know your Ex-boyfriend. I think they are in a relationship." Chiaotzu said. "So why do you ask bulma?"

"Because I think Tien may be... And yes this will sound insane... But I think he's pregnant." Bulma said making Chiaotzu's jaw drop.

"But... Tien's a male... How on Earth could he carry a baby?" He tried to argue.

"Think about it Chiaotzu... He's been acting the same way I did when I got pregnant with Trunks before Vegeta and I split up. He's moody, has weird cravings, morning sickness... It all fits." Bulma argued.

"He won't believe me." Chiaotzu declared.

"Then have him come here to see me and I'll tell him." Bulma demanded firmly.

"Ok." Chiaotzu said, he stayed silent then telepathy to contact tien.

Tien...Tien can you come over to capsule corp?

Why do you WANT me to go there chiaotzu

Well lets say that Bulma wants to figure out what's wrong with you.

Alright I'll come over.

Chiaotzu then ended the conversation between him and tien. "He's coming over."

Tien soon came walking in with a frown on his face and before Bulma could say hi he gagged, ran to the nearest trashcan and threw up with such force that it brought him to his knees as he struggled to keep from puking on the floor.

Bulma and Chiaotzu gasped and quickly hurried to his aide. While Bulma pressed on his pressure points. Chiaotzu did his best to wipe the sweat from his friend's head.

Once he was done he slowly stood up and swallowed. "So Bulma what in the hell is wrong with me?"

Bulma looked at him with a sad frown. "You're not gonna believe it but Tien... I think you're going to have a baby."

Tien's eyes widened and he looked at Chiaotzu, Bulma and then his belly before fainting to the floor with a thud.

Chiaotzu looked at Bulma then said. "He took it well."

"Yeah he quiet did." Bulma said

It was another six hours before Tien came around and when he did he actually broke down in tears startling Bulma and Chiaotzu.

"How could I have let this happen?... Yamcha's never gonna want a baby. I'll be stuck with a kid who's probably gonna grow to resent me and... That's too much to bear!" He sobbed.

Chiaotzu patted his back and handed him a cup of tea. "It's gonna be ok pal. Bulma and I will help you... Won't we Bulma?" He asked looking at her.

"Of course we will." She assured him.

Tien sniffed, and smiled. When he stopped sniffling he lifted a hand to touch his cheeks coated with tears, he didn't seemed to be amused.

"I cried didn't I?" he said drinking his tea.

Chiaotzu and Bulma nodded.

"Total hell! First I get sick, have weird cravings and now lose control of my emotions! This sucks!" He groaned as he belched from the tea. "And how long will this last?"

"Nine months." Bulma said sadly.

"Terrific." Tien muttered taking another sip of tea.

"I think its not going to be bad." Chiaotzu said, he was sitting on a chair. "Besides there are good things to come in pregnancies. Like feeling the baby move that's an enjoyment."

"Yep even feeling the pain…Oops." Bulma said then covering her mouth of what she had said.

"Whoa wait... There's pain involved... How bad?!" Tien gasped.

"Nice going Bulma now we have to tell him." Chiaotzu said with a sigh

"Sorry. Well its not going to be bad tien, its just like well just think about the most intense pain that you have and think of it." Bulma said, she had a sweat mark on her cheek. She felt sorry for tien that he now had to learn about the pain of childbirth now.

"You mean to tell me that childbirth is like breaking an arm or leg?! That had me reeling for an aspirin for ten weeks!" Tien cried in fear. "Man this is not what I had in mind when I started dating Yamcha."

"But in childbirth there are ways to dull the contractions. Like epidural, some mothers chose that and some do not." Bulma said, rubbing Tien's back. "Maybe Yamcha will understand, besides he'd said that he always wanted to be married and start a family."

Tien gave her a look that said 'You sure he will understand?' Bulma saw this and gave a reassuring smile to him."Don't worry, Tien he will understand."

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