The Meeting in The Meeting

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By the next morning I'd tried to forget about what had happened the night before, I really did. But I couldn't help but feel guilty.
What if Loki was being genuine? I wondered. He had a sweet romantic night planned out for us and I ruined it.

Natasha could tell I was distracted. "You good?" She asked as together we climbed into her car.

I nodded quickly "Yeah."

"Hey, I understand. I know this must be a hard meeting for you. You never deserved to go through that."

"I know it's about Loki, but tell me again what exactly is the meeting about?"

"There have been sightings of Loki recently. We're searching for him, but we need to decide what to do with him once he is found. Thor wants to take him back to Asgard, but that didn't quite work last time. Keeping him here on earth would be dangerous." She paused and pursed her lips. "We think that killing him might be our best option."

I tried to show indifference to what she just said, but her words shocked me "Is Thor okay with this?"

"He doesn't know."

I nodded, and the rest of the car ride we didn't say a word.

As we stepped into the meeting I couldn't help but feel nervous. I spotted Thor in a seat next to Hawkeye. I wondered how he would react when he finally received the news. I took a seat next to Steve and Natasha sat beside me. We'd made it just in time for the meeting to start.

First they went over every thing that Loki had done on earth and all the damage he had caused. 5 minutes into the meeting I lost all focus on what they were saying. Out of nowhere, my mind was lost in a romantic daydream.

Suddenly, I was with Loki again. Our hearts beat in perfect harmony and his lips connected with mine once again. It was frighteningly realistic. Especially the feeling that came with it.

I realized Natasha was giving me a strange look so I tried my best to snap myself back into the real world. Even after I had successfully escaped the daydream I still felt his body pressed against me (he was surprisingly warm for a frost giant). My face reddened deeply, and I still had the distinct sensation of his mouth on mine. Forcing myself not to kiss back was stressful. I bit my lip.

Am I going crazy? Have I finally lost it?

Suddenly, an idea finally clicked. Perhaps Loki was up to one of his old tricks again. He was here, but I was the only one aware of that. He'd managed to turn himself invisible.

But why here? Why now?

When it was clear to him I wasn't going to kiss back and in result look like a fool in the middle of a serious meeting his kisses began to travel to my neck.

I dug my nails into my chair, determined not to make a noise.

Steve noticed the obvious state of my discomfort, probably by the many shades of red my face was turning. "Are you okay?" He asked discreetly.

At hearing this, Loki began to kiss harder up and down my neck, leaving marks as he went.

I sat there frozen, not sure what to do or say. I clenched my teeth and curled my toes to distract myself from the way Loki made me feel. I was now frustrated, definitely not in the mood for his mischief.

Finally, I couldn't take it. I stood up abruptly then wiped the sweat from my forehead. "I have to go to the bathroom." I announced. I took a glance at my sisters face before retreating to the bathroom. It was a mix of confusion and concern.

I could hear her voice as I walked away saying "Sorry about that. She gets a little weird every time Loki is mentioned."

"It's understandable." Nick says, then they continued their previous conversation.

It wasn't until I was inside the empty bathroom that Loki finally showed himself.

"Was that really necessary?" I didn't try to hide the annoyance in my voice.

"I wanted to see you." Loki smirked, "I assumed you would be pleased." He stepped closer, but I backed away from him.

"But really? Here at my work? Loki, they want to kill you. If we get caught here-"

He came closer again, lifting my chin to meet his eyes "That won't happen."

I shook myself out of his touch "Why can't you take anything seriously?"

"And why must you take everything seriously?" He leaned forward, backing me up until I was against the wall. I caught my breath.

My mind shifted, remembering the vivid daydream once again. Somehow it didn't feel right. There was something way too artificial about the way I recalled it.

"I love you..." He caressed my cheek, gently tucking the hair in front of my face behind my ear.

"Why do I get the feeling that you only say that when you want something?" I snapped.

"Are you accusing me of lying to you, dear?"

"It wouldn't be the first time." I grumbled, rolling my eyes "but what do I expect from the god of mischief?"

"I suppose you have a point."

"...and these daydreams I've been having. You're the one causing those too, aren't you? Even while you were away you were manipulating me?"

He shrugged, then began to whisper huskily in my ear "Let's forget about that for a moment and..."

"No." I muttered.

Loki chuckled "No?"

"Yes, I said no. Now I'm not sure if you even know what that means but I'll keep it simple for you to understand. I'm not in the mood for this right now. Get away from me."

Loki remained silent and unmoving.

I cleared my throat "I said get away from me. Oh wait I'm sorry, I forgot. You're Loki and you do what you want. Is that right?" I mocked staring daggers at him "Seriously, don't be such a child."

Finally, he released me from his embrace and backed away. He was silent, wearing an uncertain expression. Finally, he spoke with a small, gentle smile. His words were calm, "I suppose you are always full of surprises. I'm certain I will never fully understand you." Then he disappeared, leaving me. It was then that I realized how much I was trembling.


Hey guys, so I know this story is no where near popular enough to have a Spotify playlist, but I made one anyway. It only has a few songs right now so I'm working on it, But just look up the story title and it should be there. Feel free to listen to it while you read (unless it's not your music taste of corse). Anyways, I hope you are enjoying the story. Feel free to leave any positive/negative feedback. Thanks for the support :)

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