He's Gone

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"You were never under Loki's control were you?" Thor asked quietly, though no one could possibly hear us from our spot on the bench outside.

I looked down, not wanting to meet his gaze "how did you know?"

"Putting the block on your mind was easy... Too easy. It could only mean that Loki never had control over your mind in the first place" Thor explained.

For a moment I sat there silently then I responded "you're going to turn me in aren't you?"

"Why would I do that? I am only curious as to If you care about him."

I sighed deeply "Yes, I care about him. But do I love him? I'm not sure..." I said still keeping my eyes to the floor.

Thor nodded understandingly "Loki is not the easiest person to love, but I still do. He is still my brother and even though he angers me 99% of the time, I still care about him" he stared off as if he were remembering a distant memory.

Suddenly I felt guilty. When I agreed to Loki's deal I didn't even think about how I was allowing him to take over Thor's planet, and should I tell him loki captured Odin? I suppose he deserved to know, but no real harm could be done while Loki was locked up right?

There was a faint pounding of footsteps, then they became louder. A crowd out SHIELD agents emerged from the distance. He seemed worn out as if he'd been running.

"We need you out there" he panted, motioning for Thor to follow him "it's Loki. He's escaped."

Thor stood up immediately "how is this possible?"

"I'll explain on the way" the agent then smiled at me, not sure how to politely tell me I needed to go.

Thor nodded in my direction "we'll resume our conversation later" then he was gone, leaving me alone with the distant echo of yells and police sirens.

Honestly, I wanted anything but to be alone. My experience left me with a longing, but I wasn't sure what for. Now that Loki was gone, I wondered how quickly life would return to normal. Even though I was back with my friends and family something inside made me feel lonely. It was a feeling too much to bare.

As I retreated back inside I found Natasha and Fury In a heated argument. I only caught parts of it.
Stuff like "I still can't believe you tortured her!" And "you were the reason he got away!" And even things like "why don't you just quit then?"

I stood there awkwardly, wondering if I should stay or just walk away.

"Its not like he can just teleport!" Fury said running his hand through his bald head as if he had invisible hair.

Being the idiot I am, I had to respond "he can't?"

Both Natasha and Fury slowly turned to stare at me, it was the first time they  realized I was there.

"What do you mean?" Natasha asked, her voice lowered.

I immediately regret saying anything "when I was with him, he could teleport. That's all"

"We need to question you, immediately. Tell us everything-" Natasha's glare stopped him.
"Fine. Get some rest We'll question you first thing tomorrow."


It took me a while before I fell asleep, and when I did my life came back in flashbacks. I dreamt of my time spent with Loki, but only the sweet moments. I dreamt of the laughs we shared, and the hints of compassion he showed. But my favorite thing that I dreamt that night was of the times we kissed. The memory was heart melting, and even sweeter than before.

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