Chapter Two

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The sound of firm knocking woke me up from my restless sleep. I opened my eyes, disoriented at first until I saw the news channel blare about a certain killer running around town and murdering multiple families. The knocking happened again and I groan in frustration as a male yell out he's with the FBI. So getting up off of Jane's couch, I head to the wooden door. I yawned as I opened the door to see two males in midnight black suits.

The one on the left has the purest blue eyes I've ever seen. He has that dirty blonde color for hair and it is combed to a side. He's somewhere around two inches taller than me and looks like he works out. I doubt he's any older than 22. He's probably the laid back one. 

The guy on the right was another story

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The guy on the right was another story. He has the whitest blue yet silver grey eyes. The eyes of an abnormally beautiful angel . His black hair is longer than Blondie's and is moving with the breeze. The guy is the same height as the other and is a bit scrawnier. A small smile is dancing on his lips making him look nice. I'm guessing he's around 20.

 I'm guessing he's around 20

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"Good morning." I mumble, opening the door wider for them to come in and get the hell out sooner. They both give me a curt yet small nod, stepping in my best friend's home and sit at two nearby chairs. "Cynthia Woods, correct?" Blondie asks. I nod my head and sit on the couch. "I'm Agent Marshal and this is my partner, Agent Storm." He said. I nod my head and begin answering the questions they have.

During this interrogation, a sleep deprived Jane steps in. She already changed into something acceptable and two coffee mugs in her hands. She caught sight of the two agents and smiled. "Oh I didn't know we have guests. Would you two like anything?" She asks, trying to pull a smile. Agent Marshal and Storm chuckled and shook their heads 'no'. Jane shrugged and went to sit next to me as questions were now thrown at her. They were easier than mine because, well... I'm a killer's sister.

"Okay have a nice day!" I reply and shut the door then leaned on it. The FBI agents finally left! I sigh in relief and turn to face Jane, who by the way is still on the couch. "I don't know about you, but those two were getting on my nerves!" Jane only hummed in reply as her gaze is fixed somewhere else. And then I saw where. "Jane and Marshal sitting on a tree." I sang cheerfully. Jane snapped out it at my words and blushed a rosy pink. "K I S S I N G!" She blushed a bit harder. "Oh shush. He kept stealing glances at me and would look away when I notice!" She lies in shame embarrassment clear in her voice. "Do you want me to finish? Cause we're about to get at the good part!" I ask as a mischievous smile pranced my lips. "N-No!" She squeaked and if it is any possible, she blushed even harder.

I began laughing as I head upstairs to Jane's bedroom to change into some clothes. Some of my clothes are here for sleepovers and crap stuffed into her closet. I changed into a black shirt with a red rose and thorns are wrapped around the petals, black ripped jeans, and combat boots. I took my own personal brush and slid it through my long ginger hair. I took my hidden gun and pocket knife and set them in the sheath that I got as a gift. I have no idea why I hide them at Jane's. Once I was done, I sat on the bed. 'What do I do now?' I thought to myself. A sudden screeching scream broke me out of my thoughts. Instantly, I rush downstairs, pocket knife and gun in hand as I searched for the danger... Scratch that. Instantly, I rush downstairs, pocket knife and gun in hand as the danger searched for me.

"Oh for crying out loud, leave me and my friends alone!" I yell. Jeff chuckles from where he is cornering a frightened Jane and turns to face me. A shiver went down my spine as he looked at me with those blue creepy eyes. His white hoodie looks covered in fresh blood and a bit of his face too. "I want to talk to you, um without the weapons." He replies. If he was someone else, he'd have bullets in his head but family is...fucking family... I place back the gun and knife and sigh irritably. "What?" I ask, gliding my fingers through my hair and ruffling it. "Outside. It's a private conversation." My body tensed and my hands curled to fists. "F-Fine." I manage to say through gritted teeth.

Since the front yard is a no-no, the backyard seems available. We began walking through the kitchen and I notice the guitar on the kitchen counter and grab it while ignoring Jeff's burning gaze in my back. We made it to the back door and head out. The backyard is a sight to see. There's a covered pool all the way in the back and a fountain in the middle of the backyard and a large garden of roses on both sides. Jeff whistles as he looks around and I place my guitar strap around my shoulder. "Well speak, snowflake." I say impatiently. Jeff rolls his eyes and begins walking to the fountain and I follow burning with curiosity and impatience.

"The thing is.." He drifted off. "Yes...?" I drag on the 'e' as a warm natural smile appeared. "I'm sorry." And then...


Jeff's arms went around me and moved me to cover me with his body as a shield. A blinding light knocked off my sight and my ears rang loudly. Once I regained my vision, my hair and Jeff's is in my way so I move it and regain my hearing in the process. 'N-No...' Jane's house is lit up in flames as her screaming is heard over the cackling fire. "Jane? Jane?!" I yell, scared. My heart began exploding in fear as I try to struggle against Jeff's hold. His arms held mine back and prevented me from going in there. "I'm sorry, Cynthia." My brother says, "I love you..." My screaming barely made his word audible. Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to still resist the restraint and stop Jane's threatening screams. Soon, Jane's screeching died down as I fell on my knees -Jeff still holding onto my arms-.

"I'm sorry, princess." He says in my ear. The grip on my arms left as my hands fell limply beside me. I stay on my knees as tears fell to the ground. Sirens were were now audible from the front of the house. I cover my face with my hands and weep and mourn over the loss of my best friend. And do you want to know what the worse part is? It's not Jeff's fault.

It's mine....

These fake articles are amazing lol

(The picture is from the article just maximized

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(The picture is from the article just maximized. This is what Liu is supposed to look like I guess. Jeff may not be much different.

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