Chapter Five

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My eyelids opened slowly and allowed the dark light to enter my vision. A smell related to a car's entered my nostrils quickly as my blurry vision soon fixed on the inside of a vehicle. The driver happens to be Agent Storm and the passenger, Agent Marshal. A quiet sigh escaped my lips and I looked forward to see an empty road with a never ending forest on the left and open plains on my right. 'Must be the country side.' I thought. I looked down at myself to see a blanket resting on me with my gym clothes still on. Thank god, my sweat is odorless. It has always been that way since day one of my existence. "Ah you're awake now." Agent Marshal says as he stared at me from the driving mirror. Agent Storm glanced at me and gave a smile before eyeing the road again. I gave a weak smile and nodded. I set my head on the window and decided to stare at the wildly glowing stars as we drove by.

After a few moments later, the car stopped right in front of a house. A beautiful grey and white house for that matter. A true beauty if I say so myself.

"Come on, let's go inside and one of us can show you around

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"Come on, let's go inside and one of us can show you around." Agent Storm said as he got out and opened my car door. I gave him a smile and hopped out, shrugging the blanket to my shoulders closer as a cold breeze flew by. A shiver went down my spine as we walked up the few stares to the front porch. Storm unlocked the front door and walked in as I followed. A wave of warmth surrounded me and I instantly felt at home. A smell of batched cookies filled the air and I couldn't help but take a sniff. Marshal chuckled behind me as he closed the door. Wait, why is he still here? "Stormy and I are... a thing if that's what you call it these days. That's the secret." He said, as if reading my mind... "I knew shipping you was gonna come in handy! I didn't think it would be that fast..." He laughed and proceeded to nod his head. "You took it much better than everyone else we told. Well how about I give you a quick tour around here?" I nodded and allowed Marshal to show me around. (I won't go into too much detail. You have the blueprints).

After that little tour of the bottom floor, he led me to the stairs that took us to the top floor. After telling me which room is which, he led me to my room (which happens to be the largest one). "Here's your room, I'll get Hunter to get your clothes from your house and the guitar from the station. For now I'll give you a T-shirt and some basketball shorts to change into after you take a shower and we can head out for McDonalds. Good plan?" Thinking it over, I gave him a quick nod. He smiled at me and head to his room which is across from mine. Before he went I called out for him, "Thank you, for everything Marshal." He waved his hands back and forth with a gentle smile. "Names's Roy. And you should thank Hunter. He did this." I nodded my head and went into my room. It's not that bad. Grey soft carpet, white walls, a bed with black covers in the Northwest corner, windows on the North wall and one on the West showing the front of the house. The other door on the Southwest wall leads to the closet which has a small window on your right while the one on the West leads to a small bathroom. After checking everything out, I headed to the bathroom and stripped from my clothing.

I messed with the water knobs until I got ice cold water falling down in a rush. I stepped in and almost sighed with shivering pleasure. The cold water pricked my skin like sharp needles, it was relaxing. I always had a soft spot for cold things; one of them happens to be showers. For that, I have been called 'special' for how I never get cold as quick as anyone else, for how I can swim in an icy river and not freeze, or for simply eating ice twenty four-seven. After showering and unconsciously putting the shampoo in my hair and scrubbing it out with water, I did my body last. Once I was done showering, I grabbed a nearby towel and wrapped around my body, letting my hair drip with water. I head back to my room and saw a pair of clothes on the black covers of the bed. A pair of black basket ball shorts and a black shirt, white socks, and some boxers. 'I need to go to Walmart for some bras.' I thought to myself. 'Well this will have to do for now.' I put on the clothes anyways and got my shoes before slipping them on. I braided my hair into a fishtail and tugged the smaller strands behind my ear. There all done.

I joined Roy downstairs and we headed out the door and followed him to the car that we previously rode here. I walked closer to it to see it more clearly under the night and nearly dropped my jaw. "You own a matte black Tesla. A Tesla." Roy grinned and nodded. He opened the passenger door and I thanked him and got in. He shut my door before getting in the driver's seat and turning the ignition on. As he pulled up and began driving, I stared out the window letting my mind run wild. "You know when we were investigating you about your parents, you didn't seem that sad about your parents. You barely shed a tear. Your friend, however, was a different situation." I sighed in defeat at his statement. It was true, as much as I love my parents I didn't really feel sad. "I have no idea why I did't cry. I didn't have it in me I guess. Maybe because of Jane's death so soon, it started m waterworks. I mean we were like fraternal twins just not in blood. And Liu... Oh my lord Liu! I haven't visited him yet! Is he okay? Did he wake up? Is he still asleep?" I was now full on with anxiety. I can't believe I forgot my own bloody brother!! "Hey hey hey calm down, he's fine. We called while you were asleep and they suspected he would wake up in the morning. You could go visit him then." I sighed in relief. I can't believe I was that stupid. Oh I am such a bad sister...

As I was mentally scolding myself the entire way, we finally made it to McDonalds. We hopped out and headed inside the place. A few others were here but not many. We walked up to the counter and a lady -her name's Clarissa- greeted us. "Hello folks. Welcome to McDonalds, what would ya like to order?" Her country accent was thick. "I would like a McDouble with large fries and Coke." Roy replied. She placed the order on her screen before asking what I would like. "A plain Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, extra large fries, and a chocolate shake with whip cream." Marshal whistled in amusement as I gave him a grin. Clarissa happily placed our order before making Roy pay for it. If I had money, I would've paid. She gave him the receipt before we sat down at a nearby table and conversed for a while. "We need to head to Walmart. I need to get some stuff." Guessing what I mean by 'stuff', Roy nodded. Clarissa came over with our food and we began eating. We talked mostly about how I didn't choose a salad like every other bimbo or when I need to go back to school (which I need to go tomorrow) since I have been absent for a few days. That would mean I have to visit Liu after school. We talked about a lot of things too.

After we finished, we head to Walmart and I went inside (on my own with $50 dollars with from Roy) and bought what I mostly need which was pads and underwear. I also bought an outfit for school which was all black and some heels and socks. The things were no more than $30. Once we got back home, I ran up to my room, threw my items in a quick corner and fell on the bed. I sighed quietly and suddenly noticed how tired I am. Before I fell asleep I thought I saw a whisk of blue staring at me from outside the window but I was too late to tell because my eyes immediately closed and I head off to dreamland...

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