The Table

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I wake up, horrendously thirsty at just after 11 the next day. I think Louis drained too much fluid from me, you know. I should sue him.

I leave the room to get some water, deciding I'm definitely going back to sleep. I get into the kitchen, scratching my hair but spot Louis sitting on the edge of the table in just his boxers. This time he's actually looking at me as I come in.

"Oh, hi." I mumble, sleepily, making him smile.

"You only just woken up?" He asks, cocking his head, his feet dangling off the table.

"Yeah, could sleep more."

"Yeah, I just woke up about 15 minutes ago." He admits, looking down at his phone, rapidly texting someone. Probably Niall. He looks so hot on the table. Does he know he's teasing me? Probably not.

I laugh, because we were both wrecked by our own late night fucking. Or very early fucking. One of those.

"You up to much today?" I ask, very tempted to just have him here, and then many other places because I know he'll take it.

"Just the pub with Niall." He shrugs. Damn. "You?"

I still walk up to him, because he looks so tempting like that. It throws me off when his legs open, smiling, but I don't let it show as I place myself between them loosely, cupping at his hips. Gorgeous.

"I dunno," I smirk. I'll have to pull when he's out. "I'll just see where the world takes me."

"I bet you will," He smiles suggestively, leaning back on his hands, looking so utterly tempting. His feet come up, forcing my body forward and pressing my groin into his. I gasp when our bodies meet, because he's rock hard. "Want you to fuck me first, though."

I can't hide the intake of breath I take, but I manage to bite back the moan from his cock jumping. Louis! I'm not expecting this at all.

"Please?" He begs. "Here?"

His feet dig into make us grind filthily, and Jesus. My fingers dig into his hips, and I struggle to hide how badly I've always wanted this. Play it cool. Don't come in your pants.

I bring my face slowly into his, ghosting my lips over his.

"So tempting," I breath, nearly completely gone for how he looks so ready. "How badly do you want me?"

He moves his face to my ear, and I lean into it.

"Want you so fucking bad." He whispers, filthily.

I turn, taking his mouth and I kiss him hard and passionately, thanking him for his rude admission. I lazily dip my tongue into his mouth, and he reciprocates, moving his against mine. It's slower than usual, but it's the weekend and we don't really have to rush.

I bite at his lip from my excitement, making him take in a heated breath. I want to do so much in this moment.

I move away to his neck and I begin tonguing and biting there, and my hand grips his lower back. It makes me buck into him, rock hard.

I'm ready. I've wanted this since day one.

"Gonna have to get lube," I rasp, my voice full of arousal. "Wait here."

I half jog out of the room, I'm so so ready for this. I get back to him, his cheeks flushed, looking so much like an angel with the sun pouring in behind him.

"Stand up," I order, desperate, and he does. "Need to get these off."

I tug his boxers down, loving how hard he is, and watch him flick them across the floor.

Friends With Benefits (Larry AU) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now