The Beginning

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"So Louis, whereabouts are you from?" I finally get the confidence to ask this brunette God, now he's actually home for the weekend.

I'd been living in London for a week, and had barely seen Louis from how much he worked. He was always exhausted, but he never looked stressed. He must enjoy his work.

"Doncaster," He smiles politely, sipping at his water. "It's in Yorkshire."

He nonchalantly sits in the lounge, his laptop at his side, probably open with work he's trying to do, and his PlayStation controller on his lap from where he's been playing it.

I'd finally gotten the courage up to sit with him in the lounge, to try and get to know the man I'll be living with while I'm at Uni. He comes off as completely out of my league, and it throws me off.

I mean, he's so obviously straight. He's playing FIFA, swearing at the television when he isn't getting his own way, and sits with his hands in his pants. It's so off putting, knowing he has his own hand near his penis.

"Oh, I thought your accent was from there." I reply awkwardly. How do you make conversation with someone you've only just met?

"What are you studying in Uni?" He asks, giving me his full attention. Maybe he noticed how awkward this was.

"English Literature, Language and Linguistics." I reply, watching him start to smile.

"Really?" He seems shocked about it. "Why?"

He doesn't ask what it is, and it throws me off. Most people ask that first, and I'm ready to tell them. For them to just shrug it off before I've already answered.

"I just love the English language." I say, and he shakes his head.

"I gathered that," He says with fond sarcasm. "What do you love about it?"

I tuck my hair behind my ear, something that I do often, and only around him. It annoys me.

"It just - it fascinates me," I answer his question. "I just wanna know how it manifested, how it changed in history, and how it affects today's literature and cultures."

He smirks, because I gave him what he wanted. He's so sexy like that.

"Amazing," He honestly says. "I studied Business Management for 4 years."

I raise my eyebrows before I can hide it. With him sitting there with a sport jumper, tattoos showing on his wrists and loose jeans, he doesn't look like the management type.

"Why business?" I ask.

"I just love the concept of owning and running my own business," He answers. "I like the theoretical and practical insight into past, current and future businesses. Planning, organising, leading, controlling in all aspects of an organisation," He grins at my lost expression. "That's my passion."

And he truly looks passionate about it. Sitting there with his laptop at his side, so obviously unable to stop working for one day, tells me he loves his job.

"That's awesome." I respond, smiling easily.

"So, did you take the year abroad?" He asks me, and I'm thrown off by how much he knows about the subject I'm taking.

"I - I haven't thought about it." I say, bringing my legs under myself to get more comfortable.

"You should," He smiles, sipping his water again. "I did a year working, and it looks great on your cv. I worked in Hong Kong for my second year."

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