The Fight (Louis POV)

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Louis POV of an old chapter for loveubluelou x


Let me run something past you, see if you empathise with me.

Imagine you've just had sex for the first time in a long fucking year, twice in a week, but still a fucking year. Imagine you also live with the hottest guy in the world. Hotter than the fucking sun. Imagine he's always having sex, guys or girls, it clearly doesn't matter.

Imagine being next door to that, his bed ricocheting off the paper thin wall, and you're just so fucking angry because - why am I not having sex?

It's not about that.

Maybe it is, but hear me out.

I swear he hasn't has his dick dry a second this week and it's just not fucking fair, okay? I've lost count of how many times this bed has smacked against my wall, I'm just trying to do some important manuscripts, and it's just smacking and smacking and smacking-

I lose my temper and hit the wall just as hard, throwing a pencil too for good measure.

"Jesus Christ, keep it down!" I yell.

It just... stops, and the relief is barely felt. I'm still rock hard in my unfairly tight jeans. I don't even know why I bought the fucking things. My heart is pounding because I've been okay with all of this until now.

I have no reason to not be okay with this, but here I am, not okay.

I hear Harry's door open and close quietly and then followed by the front door as I pace my room to try and cool down.

Then, and I should've been expecting it, there's a rather loud and angry knock at my door. It doesn't help that my blood is still flowing quickly, because I'm ready for a fight. No idea why. But I am.

I swing the door open, and of course he's just in his jeans, he hasn't even done the button up, eyes dark and angry as he takes me in.

"What the hell is your problem?" He asks, making me look at his open jeans.

What is your problem, mate?

"You've been at it all day!" I growl. "I want some quiet for once."

"This is my place, too," Harry retaliates. I angrily push past him at his stupid excuse. "I had to send her home!"

Oh boo fucking hoo.

I go into the kitchen because it's mainly bigger and I'd just rather not fight in my own room. I couldn't kick the guy out. Like it or not, he's bigger than me in probably every way.

I'd like to not think too long about that. Why am I still hard?

"And it's mine," I call back as I get into the kitchen. Like it or not, he's followed me. "I think I deserve some peace, considering you've done it 22 times this fucking week."

Okay, I've just admitted I've counted, but Jesus. Give your dick a rest. I look around, at him and his stupid lovely curly hair and his fucking abs. The twat.

"Are you jealous?" Harry insinuates. "Jealous because you're not getting any?"

I pause for a second, a second too long as it becomes obvious I have been.

"No, I'm not jealous." I lie, scrunching my face up for added effect.

"Go out and get fucked if you're that wound up, Louis, don't fucking take it out on me!" Harry shouts.

We're arguing. He doesn't even seem like the type who could argue, not with dimples.

"Not all of us are sluts like you, giving it to any one who asks!" I snap.

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