Rise To The Top (Extra)

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You are all filthy, filthy people! (But I love you).
Here it is. Louis topping Harry for the best first time - Harry PoV
We are set between the reunion and the epilogue x


This, right here, has to be the most anxious I have ever felt in my life. My mouth feels dry, my hands are shaking, my heart is pounding, and Louis will be home in 20 minutes. I know this, because he's already late, and he's rang ahead to tell me. I won't be long, quarter past 9.

I don't know what pulled me back to this, we haven't done or talked about this in such a long time. I think not even after we got together fully. It's probably because he sounded so stressed on the phone, his voice tired and rough. A tired Louis will always get me hard.

And whilst my very first thought was how I'd fuck him to sleep, it didn't stay my first thought. No. I did initially plan to wait for him, initiate some dirty sex, and have him fall asleep on me so I could play with his hair.

But here I am, lube on the bed, planning to give him the surprise of his life. I'm ready. Well, I think I've always been ready, but considering Louis hasn't actually broached the subject again, I can only assume he's been waiting for a sign.

And so on a Wednesday night, at 8:56pm, here I am, hoping to coax my boyfriend into performing anal sex on me for the first time. My plan was to ruin him, but for once, I'm hoping to get to him another way. He won't be expecting this.

I'm anxious, of course, because I'm worried he'll be too tired and dismiss this idea before it's started, which'll make me feel bad. What if he is too tired? What if I'm being really selfish here?

I lay my head back, completely naked on the bed apart from my Super Mario socks, wondering what to do. I want to get off. I know on some aspect, Louis always wants to get off. Who am I kidding? Louis loves release. His head thrown back, letting out sounds he doesn't care who hears. It's unbelievably sexy, fucking your man and getting that kind of response.

I realise I've been squeezing my dick through my crude memories of Louis, and that's what makes my decision. I bite my lip, thinking more into this.

I can make this easier on him. He's going to be tired, exhausted even. I can always open myself up, he can just slide right in, right? I can have some fun in the process but - looking at the clock - fifteen minutes is a good amount of time to open myself up confidently and efficiently. Yeah? Okay.

I puff air out to release this anxiety and grab the lube, pulling my legs up and further open. I uncap and lube up three fingers, cringing at the splodge that lands on Louis' side of the bed. I'll rub that in after so he doesn't kick off later. Louis does not like anything on his side of the bed. Crisps, lube, come. I don't actually care too much, it can always be washed the next day.

Pressing one finger against myself, this is certainly different to Louis doing it before. I'm very aware my fingers are larger, more threatening than his smaller digits, and it only leaves me wondering how the fuck Louis confidently takes three of these things.

Which also leaves me awed and more aroused, because he does. He loves it. He tells me he does. I wonder how turned on he'll be seeing me enjoying the same fingers he enjoys so frequently.

I'm pushing in on that thought, sucking in a gasp to hide the initial pain, fisting my dick properly to ease myself back. Slowly, I have to remember to do this slowly.

I have fifteen minutes. Five for each transition.

Slowly, my body calms and decides to let my finger intrude further, the muscles sucking in, clenching. The slide helps, it already feels good. I miss Louis' natural smell right now, his heat on my skin, his voice coaxing me through. My dirty little Louis.

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