Chapter One

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Chat Noir had been patrolling the town to make sure no akuma's had shown up, it was a regular thing for him and Ladybug to do it together but for some reason she hadn't shown up for the past couple of days.

"Where are you M'lady..." Chat mumbled to himself as he began to drift into thoughts of Ladybug he didn't notice a certain blue haired girl right in front of him, he knocked right into her, which caused her to fall down and Chat on top of her. "P-Princess?" Chat said eyes wide as he lost his cool for a moment. Both his hands were placed beside the blue haired girls head so that he hadn't put all his weight on her when they fell.

Marinette blushes a dark crimson colour as she stared up into the almost glowy green eyes of Chat Noir's, neither of them said anything for a few seconds until Marinette finally realized the position they were in and quickly tried to push Chat off of her, her heart had begun to race the same way it did when she was around Adrien. "No" Marinette thought to herself, she wasn't going to fall for this flirtatious almost cocky cat, even if he was quite purr-fect.

Chat slowly got up off of Marinette, giving her his regular bright smirk he held out his hand to help her up, she glanced at it before deciding to gently place her small hand in his and let him help her up. "I'm sorry for bumping into you Princess, I seem to be a bit distracted today." Chat said apologetically as he looking into Marinette's bright blue eyes, while still holding onto her hand.

"You know Chat, my name is Marinette, and could you let go of my hand now?" She asked as she continued to blush and gently tried to pull her hand out of his grasp. This didn't work though he hadn't decided to let go and she gently tugged him closer to her, his blonde hair falling slightly over his eyes as he leaned down so they were about the same height he whispered into her ear "I thought you'd like me holding your hand Princess." He said quietly as he gently pulled back a little bit.

He stared into her eyes, getting lost in them, "Chat..." Marinette said quietly while looking away for a moment, only to look up at him again with a slight hint of anger in her tone "Why are you flirting with me? I thought you liked Ladybug and if you do this is no way to win her over by flirting with other people." Marinette said, turning away from him and smiling a bit to herself.

Chat Noir's eyes widened slightly as he thought for a moment, he did have feelings for Ladybug but he also had feelings for the shy girl in front of him, he fell in love with Ladybug because of how heroic and kind she was, because she always worried about everyone else and was a great teammate and friend. As he stood looking at Marinette though he couldn't stop thinking of all the things about her that drew him to her.

When he wasn't Chat Noir but just normal Adrien she was always stuttering and messing up her words around him, she usually ran off or didn't even talk to him at all. As Chat Noir though she was silly, she was sweet and she didn't fall for his charm like everyone else, she also didn't like him for his money or because he was a model because she didn't know who he was behind the mask.

"Chat are you okay?" Marinette said, moving onto her tippy toes and leaning towards him slightly to stare into his eyes. Her voice brought him away from his thoughts as a slight blush began to creep its way onto his cheeks. "I-I'm fine Princess!" He said losing his cool for a minute and mumbling to himself about how uncool he had just been.

Marinette giggled and leaned back again which made Chat pout slightly before grinning as he came up with a bright idea.

He leaned forward slowly, only until he was really close did Marinette realize how he was moving closer and closer to her. "C-Chat?" She asked, a blush forming on her cheeks again as her eyes widened more than they had ever before.

Chat had gently cupped her cheek in his one hand while placing the other one lightly on her waist, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers lightly, he was a gentleman afterall. He was about to pull away when he felt her begin to kiss him back, her eyes had fluttered closed and her hands moved slowly up to wrap around his neck and pull him closer.

Chat smiled into the kiss and so did Marinette, she might not be Ladybug he thought but she was his Princess and that's all that mattered anymore.

The need for air broke them apart, both teens had dark blushes upon their faces as they stared into each other's eyes. Marinette gave him a quick peck on the cheek "Silly Kitty." She giggled as she pulled away from him, "But I'm your Silly Kitty." Chat purred as he gently pulled her back towards him and into a soft hug. "Will you be mine Princess?" He asked nervously, unsure of himself which was very out of character for Chat.

"But I thought you had feelings for Ladybug?" Marinette asked looking up at him confused, "I thought I did, but Marinette you're the only girl for me." He said kissing her forehead while still blushing. "I-I am?" She asked stuttering and covering her face with her hands to hide her blush. "You are." He said and nodded, smiling softly and gently pulling her hands away from her face to hold them in his own.

"I will be your's if you will be mine." She said finally looking at the ground embarrassed, Chat grinned from ear to ear and lifted her into his arms, spinning around with her. They both laugh as she flings her arms around his neck "Okay Silly Kitty you can put me down now." She said as she ran a hand through his gorgeous blond hair.

"And if I don't want to?" He asked teasingly, Marinette smiled "Then I guess you could hold me for a little longer. But only a little bit since it's getting late and we both should be getting home okay?" She asked him as she gently rested her head on his shoulder, letting out a small yawn as she did so.

"Alright Princess." He said holding her close to him and staring up at the night sky, who would have thought his life would change so much in only a day? All thanks to his Marinette.

A silence had fallen around them before he realized Marinette's breathing had slowed down, signalling that she had in fact fallen asleep on him. Chat chuckled quietly before gently lifting her up and into his arms bridal style, "I guess it's time for bed my Princess." He whispers to her and kisses her forehead before heading off in the direction of her house.

He lets himself in through her balcony window and gently lays her in bed, tucking her in, he leans down and once again kisses her forehead, "Sweet dreams Marinette." He says and stands up to leave until he stops when he feels a small hand grip his own gently. His eyes widen as he looks back down at her, she opens her eyes only slightly and mumbles a small "Will you stay?"

"Marinette.." He says looking towards the window and then down at her before sighing and giving into her wish. He gently crawls into the bed and lays beside her, pulling her towards him and resting his arms around her. "Good night Princess." He says and she closes her eyes once again.

"Good night Chat." She mumbled and nuzzled her face into the space between his neck and shoulder. He grinned and held her closer before closing his own eyes and giving into the sleep that had been calling to him.

He knew when he woke up that he would no longer be Chat Noir, he would be normal Adrien but that's okay, she was going to find out someday. Hopefully she wouldn't take it too hard.

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