Chapter Three

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Marinette kissed his cheek before closing her eyes and leaning into him, Mrs.Cheng had walked up the stairs to her daughter's room and opened the hatch peeking in "Is everything alright in here Marinette?" She asked as a bright smile appeared on her face at the sight of her daughter and the nice Adrien boy cuddled up together. Adrien's eyes widened as he turned to look at Mrs.Cheng before stuttering out apologies and hello's.

Marinette quickly pulled away from Adrien and stood up, him following suit while both teenager's faces were covered with dark crimson blushes. "Mom..." Marinette slightly whined to her mother having been embarrassed. "It's nice to see you and Adrien getting along well Marinette." Mrs.Cheng said as her eyes drifted to look Adrien up and down before looking back at her daughter.

"If you two need anything your father and I are downstairs." She said before closing the hatch and walking back down the stairs and into the bakery.

"W-Well..." Adrien said glancing towards the floor and then at Marinette who looked at him with apologetic eyes, "I'm sorry about my mother...She...Doesn't really know how to knock I guess." Marinette said quietly and Adrien just chuckled. "I think it's nice that she checks on you." He said "My father barely even notices me..." He said quietly more to himself than to Marinette. "What?" She asked.

Marinette took a step towards Adrien and he looked back down at the floor, "It's nothing..." He said before beginning to try and change the subject, but she wouldn't let him. She moved closer to him so their bodies were almost touching and placed both of her soft pale hands on each of his cheeks, turning his attention down towards her, she quietly asked him, "Are you okay Adrien?"

His eyes widened a fraction and he froze, staring into her beautiful blue eyes before his own green ones began to fill with tears as he enveloped Marinette in a big hug. "I don't know." He mumbled as he buried his face in her neck, she wrapped her arms around him and held him close to her. "If you ever need anything I'm always going to be there for you, and my parents will be there too." She said as she gently lifted his face to hers and pressed her lips against his.

He kissed her back after a moment, both of them putting as much love into that single kiss as they could muster. When they pulled away both of them were blushing messes trying to catch their breaths as they stared into each other's eyes. Loud crashing and screaming from outside caused them both to jump, Marinette rushed to the balcony to see what was going on with Adrien following right behind her.

The sun was just beginning to set and another person had been Akumatized and was terrorizing the city while shouting for Chloe. "Chloe gets herself in a lot of trouble." Marinette sighed before saying "Tikki spots on!" And getting Tikki to transform her into Ladybug. "That she does M'Lady." Adrien chuckled before saying "Plagg claws out!" And getting Plagg to transform him into Chat Noir.

Ladybug and Chat Noir quickly made their way to the Akumatized victim, "Be careful Bugaboo." Chat said as he glanced over at Ladybug with worry clouding his eyes. "I always am." She replied before swinging her Yo-Yo at the Akuma.

"Where is Chloe Bourgeois?!" Screamed the Akumatized victim as he drew something on his tablet which later appeared to be a hoverboard type thing. "Nathanael?" Ladybug asked to no one in particular, "My name is not Nathanael it's The Evillustrator!" Nathanael/The Evillustrator shouted as he hopped onto the hoverboard and floated through the streets of Paris in search for Chloe.

"Look's like Chloe doesn't know how to keep herself out of trouble." Chat Noir said before gently pulling Ladybug close to him and making his staff extend and take them up into the air, giving them a wide and clear view of Paris. "He's over there!" Ladybug said as she pointed towards the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug swung her Yo-Yo and it wrapped around a lamp post not far from the Eiffel Tower and then swung herself towards it, landing softly on the ground as Chat used his staff to fling himself to where she had landed.

"Ladybug! Help me!" Chloe screamed as she hid behind a car near the Eiffel Tower and waved to her favourite hero. "Hey Evillustrator!" Chat shouted trying to distract his attention away from Chloe.

The fight had quickly come to an end and Ladybug had broken The Evillustrators pen once again and caught the Akuma. "Bye bye little butterfly." She said as she waved the butterfly goodbye, "Pound it!" Chat Noir and Ladybug said at the same time as they fist bumped each other. "W-where am I?" Nathanael asked as he looked around at his surroundings confused as to how he got there and what had happened.

A sudden loud beeping cut through the almost silent night "Well looks like it's time for me to bug out." Ladybug said as she looked over at Chat and winked, "See you later Kitty." She said, "We'll Chat later." She giggled before leaving the scene to detransform. "Yeah..." He sighed as he watched her leave with a small smile across his face before he too ran off to detransform.

Adrien sighed happily as he flopped into his bed, "I can't believe that I'm dating Marinette...I can't believe that she's Ladybug...How did I never see it? It's so obvious.." He said as he rolled around in his bed with a huge smile on his face. "Yeah yeah you're clueless now where's my cheese?" Plagg said as he floated near Adrien looking for his camembert cheese.

Marinette sat in her computer chair and pulled out her homework for the night, "Congratulations Marinette you're finally dating Adrien!" Tikki said as she floated near Marinette before landing in front of her on the table. "I know Tikki and who would have thought that Adrien was Chat Noir? Now it seems to obvious..." She said as she leaned her head on the table and sighed, "I'm so glad we know each other's identities." She mumbled as her eyes began to drift shut and sleep began to take over her.

Marinette awoke to her mother calling her name from downstairs, "Marinette sweetheart if you don't hurry up you're going to be late for school!" She sighed. Marinette groaned and turned her attention towards the clock resting on the table in front of her as her eyes widened at the sight of the time. "Oh my gosh I'm going to be late!" She screamed as she quickly got ready for school and rushed downstairs before running to school and making it just before the first bell rang.

Marinette sat in her usual seat beside her best friend Alya and tried to catch her breath, "Girl you need to set an alarm or go to bed earlier." Alya said as she looked over at her best friend and pulled something up on her phone, "Check out what I caught yesterday." Alya said as she showed a video she had recorded of Ladybug and Chat Noir yesterday and posted on her Lady blog.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir were totally flirting yesterday! Can you believe it? I totally think those two are hiding a secret relationship for us and I am going to find out!" She cheered. "Miss Alya you know the rule about cell phones in the classroom." The teacher said as she confiscated Alya's cell phone. Adrien and Nino who had been listening to Marinette and Alya's conversation turned back to look at the two of them, "It sounds like some people we know Alya." Nino said as he winked at her and a dark blush not only covered her cheeks but also Marinette's and Adrien's.

"S-Secret relationship? W-What secret relationship?" Marinette stuttered out thinking that Nino and Alya had somehow found out that her and Adrien were dating. Alya turned back to Marinette and raised her eyebrow at her before grinning, "Aww Marinette is there something you'd like to tell us all?" She asked teasing her slightly.

"We're dating." Adrien said calmly even though his cheeks were dusted a light pink, Marinette's eyes widened as he said that and a dark blush covered her own cheeks. "A-Adrien..." She stutter as she glanced at him and then back at Alya who sat there with wide eyes and a gaping mouth while Nino did the same thing.

"You two are dating?" He asked before fist bumping Adrien "That's great man! Good job." He said, "How long have you two been dating? Why didn't you tell me Marinette?" Alya said sounding a little hurt that her best friend had kept this from her. "Only like two days Alya...I was going to tell you...I just...Didn't know how to..." Marinette mumbled as she was pulled into a almost bone crushing hug by Alya. "I'm so happy for you two!" She almost shouted before realizing that they were still in class.

"Quiet down you four! Or you're all going to the principal's office!" Shouted the teacher, not once taking her eyes off of the board she was writing notes on. "We'll talk more at lunch okay?" Alya asked and they all nodded before turning their attention to the board and beginning to copy the note the teacher was writing down.

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