Chapter Nine

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"Yes, what do you think of me?" Chat repeated himself, a rosy blush rising onto his cheeks as he turned his head away slightly, embarrassed to be asking that question and scared of her answer. "Well...." Marinette began. "I may not have known you very long, actually I probably did since it feels like I have, even if I can't remember." She said, chin in hand while she thought, he nodded slightly, but she didn't notice. "But I think you're sweet....And funny....And you're cute..." She blushed at that last part before she continued.

"You're smart and persistent, charming, and a lot of other of things but I think what suits you most is you're cautious." She said as she reached over, and with the tips of her fingers tilted his head in her direction. "Cautious?" He asked, confused, "Yes, you seem to be keeping your distance from me, maybe to not scare me away, or maybe so you yourself don't get hurt." She said, with each word that came out of her mouth the distance between them shrank.

Chat moved back slightly, but Marinette only continued to move forward, until Chat's back hit the end of the chaise lounge and he gulped. "I think there's something you're not telling me, and I hope eventually you do tell me because I don't like people who hide things." She was whispering now, "I also think you need to stop running away from me." Her voice was so quiet he barely caught what she had said.

"I-I'm not r-" Chat began, only to be cut off by Marinette's soft lips pressing against his own, his green eyes widened like saucers, Marinette was kissing him and she didn't even remember anything about him.

Marinette pulled back slightly, "Do you not like me?" She whispered, her bluebell eyes staring into his green ones, "I more than like you." He whispered back, leaning forward and capturing her lips with his. The kiss was sweet and gentle, like the beginning waves of the ocean before the storm.

His Miraculous gave off a loud beep, scaring the both of them and causing them to jump apart. Chat glanced at his ring before looking back at Marinette, whose face was covered in a crimson blush that probably matched his own. "I have to go Princess, even though it pains me." He chuckled lightly, "Here's a goodbye kiss then." She said as she grabbed his bell and pulled him close to her for a second, long enough to place a quick kiss on his lips before she pushed him away.

He was stunned, three kisses with Marinette in one night, had he died and gone to heaven he wondered. His blush increased in intensity, "Good night." He said before he left, Marinette smiled to herself, gently running her fingers across her lips before giggling. "I can't believe I just kissed Chat Noir....and enjoyed it too."

"She kissed me Plagg! Marinette kissed me!" Adrien whisper shouted as he climbed into bed, he had been repeating himself since he'd gotten home from Marinette's house, and Plagg was starting to become annoyed. "You already said that Adrien. Your princess kissed you blah blah blah so what?" He grumbled as he stuffed his face with camembert.

"She likes me." He grinned like an idiot, "She doesn't like you, she likes Chat Noir." Plagg said, Adrien's grin faltered for a moment, "What if she falls for Chat but ends up not liking Adrien anymore?" He asked, more to himself than to his Kwami. "If she regains her memories she'll remember how much she likes both sides of you, or maybe she'll just like you because she's a good person, after all Tikki thinks she is." Plagg said.

"Now good night! No more talking unless it's about this beautiful camembert." Plagg said through a mouthful of cheese, Adrien grumbled and rolled over in bed, his back to Plagg. A million thoughts and scenarios were running through Adrien's head, whether Marinette would regain any memories, whether an Akuma would appear sometime soon, whether he would be able to tell her who she is.

He didn't like most of these thoughts and couldn't get to sleep because of them, he ended up tossing and turning all night with barely any sleep at all.

Marinette was having similar problems, although hers were in her dreams. Flashes of red and black would pop in and out of her dreams, no matter what it was she was originally dreaming about, she also kept hearing a voice that sounded like her own say lucky charm, but Marinette didn't know when she would say that unless she was talking about cereal.

Her dreams went from just flashes to snips and pieces of events, was it possible these were her memories she wondered, something about a black butterfly was going on, then Chat appeared, akuma, villains. Her dream was confusing her, her body was tossing and turning, mumbling things before she sat up quickly, wide awake.

Her blue hair was a mess, she'd forgotten to take her pigtails out before bed, her bluebell eyes were wide with confusing, and maybe even a little bit of fear, and her heart was hammering in her chest a mile a minute. To say she was confused would be to say the least, Marinette was shocked, how could she have forgotten something so important so wondered.

One little accident had caused her to forget about something so special and so crucial to her life and who she was, and now she didn't even know if she would be the same again. She didn't know what she'd been through, she only had tiny pieces, almost crumbs of herself, and she would need some help figuring everything out.

This was one of those moments where she really wished Chat would appear on her balcony and knock on the trap door, she needed to talk to him, but she didn't know how to find him, she would have to wait until he found her. Which would be an agonizing wait, he could show up in a day, or a week, or never again.

Her heartbeat slowed down, her breathing returned to normal and she layed back in bed with a huge sigh, "Chat now would be a good time to randomly appear." She whispered to the darkness, "I could really use some help sorting through some things." She mumbled, continuing even though she knew he couldn't hear her. Her eyes were watering slightly and she hugged a pillow to her chest.

"I need your help." She continued, her voice muffled by the pillow, "Because I'm Ladybug and I don't know anything." She began to cry silently, her face now buried in the pillow as her body shook slightly until she fell asleep from exhaustion.

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