Chapter Seven

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The next day at school was agonizing, the whole school had heard about what had happened to Marinette, well they heard an accident had occurred and she had somehow fallen off of the bridge and into the water, hitting her head during the process. Everyone in her class was silent, all thoughts about her, and whether or not she was okay.

At Least everyone but Chloe who thought this would be the perfect time for her to cause even more trouble. It was the perfect time to take over as class president due to Marinette's absence, and also the perfect time to get closer to Adrien since no one stood in her way anymore. She sauntered into the classroom and spoke a few words with the teacher who gave a grim nod to her, probably because it was either go along with Chloe's wishes or be threatened by her father.

Chloe stood in front of the teachers desk proudly, with a wide grin on her face and began to address the class, "Due to the old class president being...absent for a period of time...I Chloe Bourgeois am your new class president!" She clapped for herself and Sabrina joined in loudly. "Anyways so I just wanted to let you know there is going to be some changes around here, first off Nino you're going to be sitting with Alya so that I can sit beside Adrien. That's all for now." She said and moved over to where Nino was sitting.

"You can't be serious!" Alya shouted, she was furious, her best friend was in the hospital and this evil blonde girl thought she could just take over the classroom? And try and wedge her way between her best friend and her best friend's boyfriend? Not on her watch.

"Dude this is seriously uncool, you can't make me switch seats and you can't be class president without being voted." Nino tried to reason, but as he went to speak to the teacher she cleared her throat and said, "Chloe is the new class president and if anyone has anything negative to say about it they can take themselves down to the principal's office." Her words left the whole class stunned.

Nino slowly and regrettingly picked up his stuff and moved into Marinette's seat, giving Alya a sympathetic look as he sat down. "Good." Chloe sneered at Nino before happily taking a seat next to Adrien, scooting so close to him she was practically attached to his side. "Chloe you can't force people to do everything you want." He whispered to her, causing her to pout slightly. "Of course I can Adrikins! My daddy does it all the time." She said.

Adrien grumbled and tried to pry himself away from Chloe but she only kept moving closer and if he moved any farther his butt would be on the floor. He glanced at the clock on the wall, beginning a countdown to when the bell would ring, signalling class was over.

The minutes passed by slowly, as if time itself was taunting him, but as soon as the bell had finally gone off Adrien was up in a flash with his stuff in his arms and dashing out of the classroom and to his locker. Chloe barely had time to comprehend what had just happened before he was gone, leaving her sitting there alone. She stood up in a huff, her eyes glaring daggers at anything in their sight as she picked up her own things and handed them to Sabrina before heading to her own locker.

Rose and Juleka went over to Alya and Nino, "I can't believe what Chloe has done! Poor Marinette!" Rose said, putting a hand to her head and leaning against Juleka for dramatic emphasis. Juleka put a hand on Rose's shoulder and glanced at the others, "I can, she's always been a terrible person who only cares about herself." She said quietly before shifting her gaze to the floor embarrassed.

"She's an evil self centered girl!" Alya said, practically growling, Nino smiled sadly at Alya, "Yeah that's for sure." He said. "Let's go find Adrien." Alya said and headed out the door with the three friends hot on her heels.

"Oh Adrikins! I missed you so much! Where have you been?" Chloe asked as she latched onto his arm, hugging him close to her in what could have been labelled a 'death grip'. "Chloe you saw me less than five minutes ago, and I was at my locker." He said, a slightly tinge of annoyance evident in his voice.

"Hey Adrien!" Alya called and waved him over, her silently thanked her and tried to free his arm from Chloe, but she wouldn't have that. She held his arm tighter and glared at Alya and her friends before looking up at Adrien, "You don't need them, they're nothing, I'm way more important and you should pay attention to me!" Chloe said, her voice going from her usual obnoxious taunt to what seemed to hint a threat.

"Chloe they are my friends and you're being nothing but rude! First you forced the teacher to let you be class president, then you made Nino switch seats, you invaded my personal space and now you're calling my friends nothing!" Adrien said, his anger flaring, although he knew it was pointless to talk back to Chloe since nothing would get through her thick skull he couldn't stand idly by while she hurt others and ruined everyone's school life.

"Adrien! I did not force the teacher to make me class president I simple negotiated, Nino likes Alya anyways so it shouldn't matter whether or not he changes seats! And I'm just trying to be there for you! Besides you should be my boyfriend because I'm much better than that stupid Marinette! I'm rich and beautiful and super popular! And everyone is jealous of me! I'm perfect!" Chloe was practically screaming at this point, everyone was staring.

She couldn't have been more wrong about things.

"You are not! You don't even compare to Marinette, it would be like comparing garbage to the stars, you of course are the garbage and Marinette is the stars. She's beautiful, selfless, caring, ambitious, wonderful, oh she's so wonderful..." Adrien sighs as a small smile graces his lips at the thought of Marinette. "She is everything to me, and you are just a spoiled brat who can't see past her own ego!" Adrien says, the smile leaving his lips as he grimaces down at Chloe.

"H-How! How rude!" Chloe shouts and in an instant her hand is on his cheek and the loud sound of a slap is heard throughout the room before Chloe takes off in a angry huff. Adrien's eyes go wide as his hand unconsciously goes to his now red cheek where Chloe slapped him, everyone is staring at him, their eyes also wide. Half due to his confessions about Marinette, half due to the fact that Chloe just slapped him.

Alya and Nino go over towards Adrien, "Bro you okay?" Nino asks, "You are awesome Agreste!" Alya says, a wide smile on her face, the first one to appear since the news about Marinette. "I'm...Awesome?" He asks confused, slowly lowering his hand back to his side, his expression a mix of confusion and embarrassment.

"Yes you are! Standing up to Chloe, shouting to pretty much the whole world about how much Marinette means to you! Calling Chloe Bourgeois, the mayor's daughter garbage! Definitely awesome and definitely courageous! Marinette would be proud..." Alya says excitedly before trailing off and shifting her gaze away for a moment.

"Heh thanks Alya...I was just...standing up for everyone I care about..." Adrien says quietly, Nino and Alya pause for a moment, glancing at each other before both crushing Adrien in a hug. "I'm glad we're friends." Alya says, "Me too." Nino agrees. "I want to join the group hug!" Rose calls, rushing over to the three friends and enveloping them in a hug also before Juleka joins in and eventually most of the class is just hugging. After a few short moments everyone breaks apart and begins going their own separate ways, leaving Adrien, Alya and Nino standing there together in peaceful silence.

In another part of the school Nathanael sits drawing away in his sketchbook, all drawings of Marinette, his eyes are red rimmed and puffy, making is obvious that he has in fact been crying. "I'm sorry for everything Marinette." He whispers, he knows it's not his fault fault but maybe just maybe if he had been there he could have prevented her accident.

Chloe storms past him with Sabrina in tow, grumbling to herself before stopping dead in her tracks, turning around as her blue eyes fall on the red haired boy who sits, unknowing of the rude girls presence. He moves a strand of hair behind his ear as he continues to draw something. "What are you drawing in that stupid little sketchbook of yours?" Chloe asks venomously, wrenching the sketchbook from his hands and holding it up to look at it.

The drawing is what looks like ideas for a get well soon card for Marinette, with nice drawings and quite amazing detail. This only infuriates Chloe more, "Grr!" She cries, ripping the page out and tearing it into shreds, "It's always Marinette! Marinette this and Marinette that! I'm better! Draw me instead!" She cries, her eyes are watering as she throws his sketchbook into his lap and takes off running.

Nathanael sits, shocked, his drawing now in pieces, and the girl he thought to be a bully for fun now run off in tears. Sabrina tries to chase after Chloe but has no idea where she has gone. "What is wrong with her?" He asks himself aloud, slowly getting up and picking up the pieces of paper left on the ground.

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