I wake up and it really dark the clock beside me said it was 5 in the morning I look around my hands still tied to the bed and I see my clothes Me:-screams- no no I put my hand on my head Me: it was just a dream I get up and make up my bed and go downstairs to the kitchen and make me some honey nut cheerios and my vanilla almond milk I wash my bowl put it back and go back upstairs to my room and hop in the shower and I wash my hair and wear it out I put on a black cropped shirt with a neck piece my acid washed jeans with my rihanna puma shoes and some red lipstick.
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I go downstairs get my grocery list off the fridge and get in my Audi and I drop the top
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And head to publix I get a shopping cart and head straight to the fruits and vegetables aisle I pick up some strawberries,grapes,watermelon,banana, cherries,and pineapples. Then I go over to get some vegetables I pick up a tomato Me: is this ripe I asked myself Guy: mhm not the best tomato you should buy this one -he hands me a tomato- Me: OK thank you Guy: so umm my name is Terell Me:hi terell my name is moriah Guy: so can I take you out tonight Me:no sorry I'm married -shows him ring- Guy: well that's not a very big ring do you want to get a new one Me: no I'm OK it doesn't matter how big the ring is Guy: it should if your driving you a Audi a4 Me: you saw me Guy: don't look at it as stalking Me: mhm I don't need anymore help but thank you for the tomato advice Guy: OK no problem well bye moriah Me: bye I get the rest of my stuff and put it in the trunk and go back to my condo I unpack everything and wash all my fruits and put them in bowls And go to my room and get on my computer and do some work My phone rings Me: hello Kasey: hey bitch where you at Me: what you mean Kasey: its Friday Me:oh I'm sorry I'll be there in a bit I close my computer and get my car keys and go to my car to head to tgi Fridays every other Friday me and kasey go to tgi Fridays to talk When I got there I saw kasey sitting outside I go and sit by her Me: hey Kasey: hey boo Me: what's been going on Kasey: work and Nick has been on my ass literally Me: oh lord about what Kasey: about kids Me: your pregnant OMG this is amazing Kasey:no he wants kids Me: OK give them to him Kasey: but remember we agreed to have our kids at the use time so they can be friends Me: oh yea your right y'all better strap it up Kasey: so what about you Me: girl tell me why this man was trynna hit on me at the grocery store today Kasey: you gave him your number Me: no Kasey: well what did y'all talk about Me: I told him I'm married Kasey: bitch you said you were married with our best friends necklace I'd be dammed if I got a ring with that little ass diamond on it Me: I know but I just don't think I want anybody right now because I'm getting myself together. Kasey: bitch you already together you are an independent woman now you need a man girl how long has it been Me: what are you talking about Kasey: how long Me: 2 years Kasey: 2 goddamn years without some dick girl you missing out Me: I needed to get myself together Kasey: girl your walls done closed up your like a virgin again Me: I just haven't found the right person I guess Kasey: and who would that be jason Me: no he's gone he's stll in Atlanta and know were in Cali never going to happen Kasey: if its meant to be it will happen Me: I guess After the dinner I drove myself back home and I went to my room and looked on my laptop I finished up my work and went to clean up I swept the floor and mopped the floor I wiped the counters off and vaccummed the carpet then I went upstairs to go to sleep.