Its been about two weeks and this is Jordan's last week of school. So that means were going on a road trip. Every years since Krissy was born we've been going on road trips in our rv me and Kasey share a rv we pay half and half. But kasey has been sending me on blind dates I've been to two last week and they've gone horrible first dude was so fucking rude he said I could only order water and a salad. Then the second guy ate the food then he went to the bathroom and never came back. And I have one tonight that I'm not so happy about I'm tired of these dog ass nigga I might need me a white boy. Kasey picked jordan up from school for me and the guy is supposed to be picking me up. Fucking great I go get ready the dates at 9. I wear my hair curly with my little white dress and some red bottom platforms with some redlipstick My doorbell and rings and I go answer it and I see somebody he looks hella familiar Me: you look familiar Guy: yea I was thinking the same but what's your name Me: my names moriah Guy: oh shit Moe foreal Me: yea what's yours Guy: its me jaylen from school Me: omg jaylen come in I invite my old friend inside the house and he sits on the couch Jaylen: so this is where y'all ran away to Me: yup kasey lives down the street she married with a kid and shit Jaylen: damn time flies Me: forral we'll now I feel weird this was supposed to be a date Jaylen: exactly so what's been up with you Me: I got a kid jordan Jaylen: who the baby daddy Me: jason Jaylen: from highschool Me: yea Jaylen:-puts his hand to his mouth- oh shit really Me: yea I found him playing basketball at this game one day Jaylen: so y'all married Me: no I divorced his ass Jaylen: here come the bipolar bitch Me: no this bitch didn't give any shits for anything but basketball not even his daughter he had by some other girl but she died Jaylen: damn so he brought his daughter to you and now y'all have a kid Me: yea a boy he's 4 right now Jaylen: so you wanna go to chick-fil-a instead of whatever fancy shit we was supposed to go to Me: hell yea I'm gonna change my clothes I go upstairs put in some beige joggers dog a black shirt rihanna pumas my apple watch a black felt case with my hair still curly
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We go to his car and we go to chick-fil-a We order our usual spicy chicken sandwhcih with a strawberry milkshake my favorite we sit down in the truetts grill and wait for the food to come Jaylen: so you talked to jordan Me: actually kasey married chris which is Jordan's cousin so now kasey and jordan are cousins Jaylen: wow its a small world Me: right then we met with Kasey trying to set me up on a blind date crazy but how did she not know that it was you she didn't see your name Jaylen: no I used my government name Me: wait what so this whole life has been a lie I thought your government name was jaylen Jaylen: no my middle name is jaylen Me: what's your fucking name jaylen Jaylen: my real name is ke'vante Me: so she wants to set me up with the ghettoest nigga first nigga was trevante second nigga was Davant and the nigga made me pay for the food the bullshit she put me through is unbelievable Jaylen: ha funny that's why I never used my first name Me: kevante wait don't tell me its with an apostrophe Jaylen: -looks down and sighs- yea The lady comes with the food and we eat I was hungry as shit after that we go back to my house and play call of duty multiplayer Jaylen: you actually think you can play video games Me: come on nigga you know I can play I've played with you and beat your ass so many times in this life I thought you would've learned but guess not bout to whoop that ass again Jaylan: yea right We play the video game and we play as a team not vs so I didn't get to whoop any ass but it was getting late so he decides he needs to get home Jaylen: alright well its getting late Me: nigga its only 11 Jaylen: yea then its gonna be 12 so I need to go Me: give me your number We exchange numbers Jaylen: alright well bye Moe been nice seeing you old friend Me: yup same thanks for the date Jaylen:-laughs- yea ok He leaves and I cal Kasey *Kasey:hello Me: hey bitch Kasey: how was the date Me: well turns out my date was jaylen Bryant from highschool Kasey: no way you saw jaylen well where'd he go Me: he went home because it was getting late Kasey: so did you go on a date Me: no we went to truets grill ordered the usual and came to my place and played video games Kasey: but on the thing his name was ke'vante Me: yea his middle name is jaylen he uses it because he doesn't like his real name Kasey: on god Me: on everything he got a bae bae kid name Kasey:-laughs- Me: oh and I'm tired of you sending me on dates with these ghetto ass nigga send me with a white dude Kasey: man girl after all that black boy dick you had I don't think you want to do that Me: oh what you trynna say I'm loose Kasey: I mean you meet the right nigga and yea you might be Me: man keep talking shit kase your pussy looser than mines bitch you had chris ram your ass dozens of times to make a baby then your big headed ass Krissy bust your shit open and tickled your coochie with all that hair Kasey:-laughs- man I need to get to sleep bye girl Me: bye girl