I walk into the room. Me: well good afternoon beautiful how are you feeling Macy: not good Me: well we have to fix that we can't have ms.macy feeling bad so what seems to be the problem mommy Her mom: she has a stomach bug Me: oh well we can get rid of that how's your tummy feeling right now macy Macy: it hurts bad I get the trashcan and puts it beside her Me: if you have to, use it OK sweetie Macy: OK Me: so for the stomach bug we don't necessarily have a prescription to get rid of it but just eat plenty fruits and vegetables chicken noodle soup is good too but water is the most important usually you drink 8 cups a day but now I recommend 10 because vomit is disposing your fluids so you need to put more in then coming out Her mom: OK sound great Me: alright macy I hope you feel better Macy: can I get a lollipop Me: of course you can I go to the front desk and give her mom a list of things to help macy out and I gave her a lollipop Me:alright bye guys Dr.Williams: alright I'm here Dr.Campbell sorry I'm late Me: yea that's coming out of your salary I had to take one of your patients Dr.Williams: yes mam i truly apologize it won't happen again Me: yea better not or I'll find a better doctor I put my doctors coat in my office and close my door Me: kiara where is the janitor we need this building cleaned to keep the germs away Kiara: got it mam Me: and make sure my office is cleaned down to and my jacket is washed Kiara: yea mam enjoy the rest if your day Me: alright take care of my building for me your in charge Kiara: for sure mam I leave the building and get into my car I drive to my house and make me some grilled chicken with peppers and some kale. You have to be healthy I mean I am telling all my patients to eat healthy so I should to. After I ate I put away the leftovers and i cleaned up my kitchen I went to put on some gym clothes to go work out at LA fitness. I came back and did some work on my computer and hopped in the shower and put one my pajamas and got in my bed to finish up my work when I finished I turned on Netflix and watched a movie called hush. I woke up to the sound of my front door opening.I get up and grab my cheetah print pistol and walk down the stairs and go to the door I open it and its kasey dumb ass. Kasey: -screams- hey bitch it's me Me:what are you doing Kasey: I'm here to pick you up remember bitch the NBA playoffs today you promised to go with me for a girls day Me: I'm sorry kasey I forgot I don't think I can- Kasey: well to bad I bought the ticket now come on She closes the door and and drags me upstairs and picks me out an outfit. Kasey:were going to get our hair and nails done before we go there you know sweaty basketball players would love to hit you Me: nah I'm good I think I'll go with lawyers and doctors Kasey: come one basketball players got those 6 packs you have to love and they can pick you up and throw yo ass on that bed and- Me: OK I understand Kasey: here wear this
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Me:No way I look like a slut Kasey: no you don't you look sexy girl alright come on we need to get your hair did We get in her BMW and drive to the nail salon we get a medi pedi and get our hair done We drive to the stadium and we sit on the 2nd row behind the players were sitting on the Charlotte hornets side its the hornets against the Lakers. Kasey went to get me some sprite and some pizza 3 meat treat been a while since I've had that. The players started coming out but I don't know any of these players. When the hornets came out I saw Michael Jordan he's the coach or the manager honestly I don't know anything about basketball I played it on 7th grade but that was years ago. The players sit down in there seats and I look at all of there backs number 23 is fine as hell Williams man he's sitting in front of me to. Kasey: alright here's your pizza and sprite Me:gracias Kasey: shut the fuck up girl you ain't spanish Me:-whispers- number 23 fine asf Kasey: oh Mr.Williams is fine as fuck is that what you said Moe Me:-rolls eyes- really He turns around and smiles at us Kasey: yo Moe he slick look like jason Me:yea he did but it can't possibly be him he's still in Atlanta Kasey: yea but didn't he play basketball Me: I don't remember Kasey: its OK well talk to him before we leave We watch the game and Williams had 3 fouls so he was seated down. Kasey:-taps his shoulder- hey Mr.Williams my friend over here is single and she was checking you out wanna hit He just turned around he looked mad Me: KASEY what he fuck Kasey: MORIAH CAMPBELL do you want to be single your whole life He turned around Williams: wait moe