I wake up and look at the time its 9 I need to go in and see macy to see how she doing. I get up and take my shower I wear my hair down flat ironed. I put on my yezzy shirr some white jeans and my rihanna pumas with some lip gloss.
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I go to my office and put on my doctors coat. I go to my desk and see I have 2 people macy and jasmine that's a new name. Macy's and her mom come in and I take them to there room. Me: so how you doing sweetie Macy: I feel better but I have another problem Me: oh no you got over one thing now you have another I write some stuff down Me: what seems to be the problem honey Macy: my pee Me: what's wrong with it Her mom: her pee is a goldish-yellow and it smells strong Me: let's get a sample I get the sample trays Me: alright here are two wipes a cup with a lime to fill it up with you wipe with this before and after got it Macy: uh-huh I wait for her to come back Macy: I gave it to the lady Me: OK thank you I wait for kierra to send me the results on my computer Me: alright it seems like macy needs to completely stop with the soda because it makes your pee darker and have you been feeling a sting when you pee Macy: yea Me: alright she just needs to drink more water its nothing wrong just 8 cups a day but for her 6 cups because she's still little Macy: thank you I'm going to get a lollipop Me: hold on there sugar fairy let's get your papers first I give them the papers and lollipop then go back to my desk Kierra: you have a patient Me: alright I go to the sitting area and escort them to the room Me: hello beautiful Jasmine: hi I'm getting a checkup so I can be cheerlead Me: oh really how old are you ms.cheerleader Jasmine: I'm 5 years old and I go to Andrew Jackson Me: oh that's a great school you learn a lot Jasmine: yea I got all 4 not 1 or 2 or 3 all 4 I'm really smart Her mom: alright jasmine calm down -laughs- Me: alright well I'm going to ask you to use these wipes for before and after and the cup fie your pee fill it up to the black line and put it at the window and nurse Monica will be in here for you prick and stuff Jasmine: OK Her mom: you want some help Jasmine: no mommy bug girls don't need help remeber Her mom: -puts hands up- OK sorry I go to my desk and wash my hands and examine her pee and it looked good. I go back to the room when I see nurse Monica looking at her blood I go to the room look in her ears and her eyes Me: you know jasmine you are very healthy usually by this time I'll be telling you to drink plenty to of water and eat vegetables but seems like you don't need it Jasmine: yea daddy said to keep a strong body and mind you have to eat veggies from the ground you know my daddy is very strong he plays basketball and he has muscles Me: OK your a daddy's girl huh Her mom: she is I'm jealous Jasmin: I love my mom my but daddy gives me cotton candy and it taste good sorry mommy you give me green beans Me: oh lord well how about this mommy told me to give you a lollipop for being so beautiful Jasmine: really mommy I don't like lollipops Me: oh no I was playing mommy smdidnt say that Jasmine: can we go now I want to cheerlead mommy I need my shoes Me: well I tried mom Her mom: yea thanks They leave and I go to my desk to pack up. I leave and go home and clean up around my condo. I drink me a naked smoothie. And get on my computer to handle some business unless you didn't know I am investing Monet to get me a bigger and better building I'm making the layout of it. Right now I just need to get enough money to get rid of the old building and build the new one. I need another job. I look up jobs around my area I don't know what to do. What am I good at? Hair. I'm going to the hair salon to apply for a job. I go to my car and drive to the hair salon and apply for a job. I have to do a practice hair. I do this little girls hair I have to wash it and condition it and flat iron it then put it in 10 twist. I do it and lay down her edges just for the fun of it Brooklyn: OK you did good Me: so Brooklyn: you have the job what hours can you work? Me: any but I also have another job Brooklyn: oh really what is it Me: I'm a pediatrician Brooklyn: well what you doing here Me: I need some money to help build me a pediatric office so I got a second job Brooklyn: OK well you won't get paid much but I'd you save up you can do it Me: thank you I'll be here tomorrow Brooklyn: yup 8 in the morning Me: -raises eyebrow- alright 8 it is Brooklyn: good because nobody wants that shift Me: wonder why