Its been about a month since kasey party and its sad because I didn't even see her for her party. But moriah and bryson got closer they've been hanging out mostly every Friday and Jason and macy see moriah almost everyday.
I was up this morning I'm so tired I was up all night with bryson just talking about nothing having a smoke I wonder of he still here. I go downstairs and see him on the couch knocked. Me:-slightly shakes him- B B Bryson:-mumbles- huh Me: you staying here all day Bryson: well shit can I Me: I was going out you gonna be here by yourself Bryson:-sits up with puppy dog eyes- your gonna leave me Me: do you wanna come Bryson: you know I can't be in public like that nothing will ever get done Me: well I gotta hit the grocery store real quick because we ate up everything last night Bryson: alright I'll be here I go upstairs and take a shower
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I go back downstairs and bryson is watching some type of cartoon. Me: are you sure you don't want to come Bryson: you really want me to come Me: yea come on let's get you some cleaned up cause you smell like weed I drag him upstairs to my bathroom and tell him to take a shower while I go get some of Jason's clothes that he leaves over here and go to my linens closet get him a towel and an extra toothbrush. I go in the bathroom he still in the shower Fuck I forgot some boxers. I go back to the guest room and and get him some of his hanes boxers. I go back in the bathroom and he's out in the towel Me: good god Bryson: what Me: I would totally fuck the shit out of you Bryson:-laughs- nah I'll fuck the shit out of you I think its supposed to go like that Me: OK just put these on I put the boxers on top of the clothes and I go downstairs. Me:-takes a breathe-damn that nigga is so fucking fine I go to the fridge to make a grocery list for me. He comes downstairs in Jason's polo shirt some jeans and his air force 1 Bryson: I look clean asf in this black polo Me: you do and you smell clean asf instead of like weed. Bryson: man -sits on the island- Me: hold up I got to check the groceries When i finish we head out to the car he puts his polo cap low on his head to cover his eyes. He opens the door for me Bryson: maddam-points in the car- Me: your so ugly-laughs- He drives his black g-wagon to the store we get out the car and walk inside he gets the shopping cart and follows me around first I went to get some ice cream. I got butter pecan ,Oreo and birthday cake. Then I went to get some cookie dough and oreos we naked drinks I got a bunch of food bit I was getting helps snacks and apple juice type shit Bryson: why you getting all these kid foods Me: my cousins coming over Bryson: how old are they Me: 5 and 7 Bryson: when Me: tonight Bryson: I can bring Harley Me: OK and have a play date Bryson: yea Me: does Harley like this stuff Bryson: oh yea Me: we'll I have it all planned out if you want to be part of it she needs to be here on time Bryson: you talk like I'm never on time Me: Mr.Tiller just be on time Bryson: alright I'll be there We finish grocery shopping and head back to my condo. He helps me unpack Bryson: what is this Me: you never seen asparagus before Bryson: I don't eat that nasty shit Me: what ever Bryson: um Harley can't come over tonight because her grandma still wants to spend some time with her Me: its cool she can come in the morning Bryson: -sits on top of counter- so what time your cousins coming Me: probably like 1 or 2 in the morning Bryson: damn OK Me: yea they live in Tennessee Bryson: Louisville Me: no Nashville Bryson: close Me: pretty close I finish up putting everything up Bryson: cone here Me:-smiles- I'm nor down yet Bryson: just come here I walk over to the counter Me: yes Bryson: you never told me about that dude from the party Me:-sighs- I knew it was gonna be some bullshit -tries to walk to the fridge He grabbed my arm Bryson: no forreal Me: well I mean we used to be good we went out for almost the whole senior year we broke up because I caught him with my best friend then we got back together then he started to act weird like he had a gun and he shot somebody like in front of me and I was like no that's scary but he was like "you know I wouldn't hurt you" but I mean he said he wouldn't shoot anybody but when he got mad he killed 2 people if he got mad at me he would shoot me to. But uh me and my friend kasey went to a basketball game and turned out he played for the hornets and he started talking to me again. Bryson: you still have feelings for him Me: man i don't know I don't want him but his daughter is what really keeps me talking to him Bryson: oh he uses his daughter to talk to you Me: yea I told him I didn't want anything to do with him but he was like can you just help me take care of her Bryson: so you don't want him Me: I don't know bryson I think its me but I havent fucked anybody in like 3 years Bryson: so you just want some dick Me:-hits his chest- shut up Bryson: I mean I'm a nigga to I can help Me: bye bryson