I wake up and look at my phone my uncle is going to be at the airport at 12 and it 10 right now so I have to get everybody ready and drive brianna and kianna to the airport to go home thank god. I get up and get ready I take a shower put my hair in a bun and threw on a hoodie and some jeans.
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I go to the girls room and put them in the shower and put on there matching Adidas tracksuits and get them in the car and head towards the airport and we go eat at IHOP. Kianna orders a smiley face pancake and brianna orders the celebration cupcake pancake and I get some chicken and waffles when we finish eating we go to the airport and wait to see my uncle and aunt so they can go to Atlanta. I go to the pediatrician office and check on everything And kasey came by Me: hey girl Kasey: so I'm so mad at you like you don't understand Me: what I do Kasey: you haven't talked to me since my birthday Me:I know its been crazy Kasey: how's you and jason Me: actually I don't mess with him you know he slapped me yesterday Kasey: that nigga touched you Me: calm down were in a pediatricians office Kasey: my bad but what happened Me: so me and bryson tiller was- Kasey: wait bryson tiller the "don't play with her don't be dishonest" Me: yes him Kasey: oh boo making it big out here Me: yea and they got to fighting Kasey: bryson tiller flight jason for you Me: yes kasey keep up Kasey: man fuck Chris tell bryson to hit me up with jcole Me: OK listen damn you never let me finish Kasey: OK OK I'm listening Me: OK so then me and bryson kinda -runs hands together and smiles- you know Kasey: -screams- omg omg you finally got some dick bitch yesss Me: kasey a children's doctor is what a pediatrician is that means children are around Kasey: OK what next Me: well bryson was like he want me to be his girl and stuff but I was like I don't know if I'm ready and stuff so now were just friends good friends Kasey: omg I'm so happy for you but I have something to tell you Me: what Kasey: I think I'm pregnant Me: I told you not until I did kasey what Kasey: I know but it got a little carried away and nobody got time for no goddamn condom but Moe I'm not waiting 10 years for you to be ready to have a baby OK Me: well you need to get married first before he start busting nuts in you Kasey: where in a children's place remember Me: well I dont like you on my ass about me not finding a baby daddy in time you know you should just have a kid don't worry about me Kasey: I don't know if I'm pregnant or not so- Me: man my stomach hurts like shit man Kasey: why what you eat today Me: I had some IHOP today Kasey: maybe they didn't cook it right Me: yea maybe -gags- I'm going to the bathroom I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. I go to the sink and wash my mouth out and wash my face. I pop in some gum and go back out there. Kasey: you good Me: yea I'm gonna go home Kasey: umm no your not were going to the store to see if I'm pregnant Me: I don't feel good at all kasey Kasey: OK bitch I don't feel like sitting here talking to you about his let's get in your car and drive me to the store chris dropped me off so you can take me Me: come on I get in my car and drive us to Walmart I get a mini toothbrush and she gets a pack of pregnant test its 5 in a pack I get in the car and brush my teeth with the mini toothbrush Kasey: I'm going to take two Me: what about the other 3 Kasey: I don't know you can keep it Me: what do I need it for Kasey: I don't know -silenece- Moe maybe your pregnant Me: no I'm not Kasey: think about you and bryson fucked then all of a sudden you throwing up and shit Me: no Kasey: you just don't want to admit it Me: no I'm not ready to be pregnant Kasey: well you might be honey Me: I'm not doing it Kasey: girl you better I will shove this up your pussy and wait for you to pee Me: OK I will but your going first We get to my condo and she goes to the bathroom and does the pregnancy test Kasey: OK I didn't look yet you look first Me: its negative do another one She goes back into to bathroom and comes back out Kasey: alright here Me: its positive Kasey: wait what does that mean Me: it means take another test and it tells you the final result She goes back in the bathroom and comes out with the last test Me: kasey it's positive your pregnant Kasey: I am I'm pregnant Me: yea congrats kase Kasey: well its your turn Me: I don't think I need one Kasey: go in there know before I go with you I go into the bathroom and take the pregnancy test and pee in the stick I go out side and give it to Kasey Me: what does it say Kasey: well Moe you might need to call up bryson Me: what does it say Kasey: it says your pregnant Me: no I need to take another one I go back and take another one and give it to kasey Kasey: I don't know it negative you had a positive and a negative so maybe Me: well what does maybe mean kase Kasey: I don't know you might still need to tell bryson