S I X » C . E

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I was walking back to my house from a small shop when my phone buzzes in my pocket, grabbing for it I see it's a text from Robert, a friend of mine.


YO, HAvent hearD FROm yA IN A BIt 😁😩😁😩😏👅

I smile. Unlocking my phone I go to reply; I start typing,

Yeah, we should hang out! When are you free

I stop typing when I feel something brush past my leg. I look down and see a little boxer. The dog sits and looks at me. I get down and start petting the dog.

"Aren't you a cute little dog."

The small dog makes a noiseless bark.

"You have a cute dog," I say to the person.

I look up and see the guy from earlier. This time though I see his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes as he keeps moving his head around.

"Thanks," I watch his lips say.

"You're well...wait I know you."

"Excuse me?"

That just got weird.

"We met this morning. I asked if the seat was open and then you ran into me."

He's staring at the ground. He says something, but I can't read it.

"Why aren't you looking at me?"

He looks up and to the right.

"I think one of my contacts fell out."

"Do you need help? Because I ca-"

"No, I need to go, nice seeing you again. Bye."

He flinched when he said seeing. Which makes no sense, the dogs brush against me one last time before he and the guy walk away.

I don't know what's sadder the look the dog gave when they had to leave or that I'm watching the guys butt as he walks away.

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