E I G H T » C . E

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'So, what's been going on,' Robert signs.

"Well, my family wants me to try speaking again, I have a new trial, and I've met a guy."

I take a sip of my coffee.

'What does he look like?'

I close my eyes for a second and try to recollect his face.

"He's tall, my height, olive skin, brown hair, the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen....he's just straight out beautiful."

Robert starts fanning himself.

'I can see it now. What's this guy's name?'

"I'm not sure. The man hasn't mentioned it, and I haven't mentioned mine either."

'You need to jump in there Chris!'

"I know, but I think he's straight."


"Every time I'm around him he doesn't look at me. It's like he's avoiding eye contact or something."

'Or maybe he saw you the first time and was trying not to fanboy over this hotness in front of me.'

I feel my cheeks redden.


Robert and I have been friends since 1997, he was thirty-six, and I was nineteen. We were attending the same college. The two of us were in the same Mythology/Folklore class that was on Tuesday nights.

I was a teacher's pet, and well Robert was the most obnoxious guy in class. So one day, during a lesson on the Rougarou, he came in late and was forced to sit next to me.

Mr. Jones finished his speechless speech.

"So we will start a creative writing prompt on the Rougarou," his lips read.

Opening my notebook, I started writing; then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Robert. He was staring at me with the look 'aren't you going to answer me?'

"Hello," his lips said. "Can you hear me or not?"

I shook my head and signed, 'No I am deaf.'

He went pale, "How'd you know what I said?"

I look back to my notebook, "I can read your lips."

After that, I didn't talk to him for a few weeks. Then on March 15, 1997, the foreign exchange boy from Amsterdam came. He didn't know me, and I didn't know him. So of course when he came up to me to ask directions it was half English half something else. He didn't understand that I was trying to explain that I was deaf and didn't understand what he was saying.

Soon Robert came out of nowhere and started speaking to the guy. The guy looked at me and said something that seemed like 'sorry.'

'Do you know where the Physics center is,' Robert signs to me.

I was shocked. The man who seemed so afraid that I was deaf, was signing to me. I nodded and told Robert. Robert nodded and told the guy.


Over time Robert and I got to know each other better. He became one of my first friends. He's the one I came out to first. Robert was very calm about it, and that helped me gain more confidence to tell my family. He was there for my last girlfriend and my first boyfriend.

"I doubt that."

'No doubting, he's paralyzed over you.'

"Maybe you're right. Or maybe you've been gay this whole time, and you want me."

He throws his head back and laughs. I still wish to know what laughter sounds like to the ear. This trial better work.

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