S I X T E E N » C . E

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I sit at the dinner table.

'So how was the meeting?'

I shrug, "It was good. I found out simple things. I learned about all the others who were there. The guy was there."

Rob gets excited, 'Tell.'

I sigh, "His name is Sebastian, and he's blind."

I feel everyone looking at me.

'So he wasn't ignoring you on purpose,' Robert signs.

I nod and look at Indio, who's staring at me.

"So, how're you?"

'Good. Classes start again. I'm studying physics and philosophy,' Indio signs.

I smile and look at my food. Grilled chicken, potatoes, and macaroni. One meal I know how to make, besides Roman Noodles, pizza, and salad.

"Oh," I say looking back at Rob, "I also asked him to go to lunch tomorrow."

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