[14] Don't look back, them days are gone

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        "What the hell is he doing?!" Crystal gaped, watching Sugarboy and Gray ride off. 
        "I have no idea. . ." Coco sweat dropped slightly. 
        "Gray!!" Natsu shouted, running after the ice mage. 
        "Natsu! The floor!!" The blonde and bluenette warns, a bit to late. The floor sunk in, swallowing Natsu and thowing Crystal and Coco high in the air. Byro in his octopus form slowly moved towards the caving in floor.
        "Etoile Flevue!!" Lucy whipped out her new Stellar weapon before her eyes widen. "Eh?!" 
        "Cloud!!" Crystal chanted the first thing that came into mind, putting her arms out in front of Coco and herself. Much to their surprise, a white cloud stopped there fall, slowly floating downwards. 
        "W-Woah!" Coco's brown eyes sparkled. "I didn't know you could do that!!" 
        "Yea, me either." Crystal poked the white fluff before getting off. 
        "The octopus," They heard Lucy shriek. "Is in the way - AHH!!" 
    Crystal sweatdropped as Byro stopped rolling, crushing Lucy half-way. She didn't even know where Natsu was. The lights in the amusement park suddenly shut off, leaving them in a dim light. 
        "All attractions are closed for the day." A robotic-voice called out. "We look forwards to your next visit."
        "What the hell guys?!" Crystal cried before running towards Lucy. 
        "How the hell did you get out?!" She heard Lucy shout in disbelief. Natsu was standing over Lucy, looking like he wanted to run after Gray but didn't want to leave her. Lucy's bottom half was stuck under one of Byro's many arms, eight to be specific. 
         "Don't just stand there, pull!" Lucy demanded, trying to drag herself out. 
         "How does that happen?" Coco whispered to Crystal, who jumped slightly. She honestly didn't notice she was being followed. With a shrug, she clapped her hands. 
         "Alright, guys!" She started, Natsu and and Lucy instantly looking over. ". . .New plan!" 
         "Well, I can't really do anything, can I?!" Lucy snapped, tugged a bit more. 
         "I'm sorry," Crystal started sarcastically. "It's not my fault your big boobs got you trapped."
         "That's not even close to the reason!" 
         "Anyways!" Her blue eyes went to Coco. "Coco, you stay here and help Lucy out from under the octopus." She looked back to Natsu. "While you and I go and follow Gray."
      Natsu crossed his arms. "Why don't you help them too?" He jutted his chin out a bit. Oh,  Crystal''s gaze harden. You're going to act like that during this?
          "Because," She drawled, acting like he was stupid. "I'm the only one here that A) Knows this place like the back of my hand, and B) Can back you up in a fight." She turned to Coca. "No offence or anything, Coca. You have a mean swing." 
      The pinkette sighed before turning. "Fine, but keep up. I'm not waiting for you to catch up." With a nod, Natsu set off, Crystal about to set off. She suddenly stopped and turned to Coco, who just now started to pull on Lucy. 
           "Yo, Coco." Said girl looked up, slightly confused. 
           "Be safe, I'll meet up with you soon." Crystal smiled a little, an unsteady smirk. Coco smirked as well. 
            "You too, baka."


      Wendy and Charle walked into the exceed village, heads high.  Exceeds watched the human and fallen exceed with a confused expression, some were even glaring harshly. They weren't really keeping down their whispering, either. 
         "What's going on?"
         "The fallen exceed. . .brought a human?"
         "I'd like an audience with the queen." Wendy spoke politely in a strong voice. "Danger draws near to Extalia."
         "Out of the way, make way for meow!" A black cat, that paw kept moving, shoved past his fellow species before stopping before the two outsiders.  "Y. . .You guys are in trouble!" He declared. "Fallen exceeds and humans are prohibited from infiltrating Extalia!"
         "This is no time for that." Charle spoke, not looking at anyone. "If you value your lives, you would listen to what we have to say."
         "Where's Nichiya-san and the rest of the people chasing you go?" Burly asked, ignoring her late statement. 
          "They were turned into a lacrima by the royal army." A slightly eerie silence over took the crowd before everyone started to laugh loudly. 
          "As if Extalia's imperial guard could be taken down by mere humans."
          "Stop talking nonsense." Burly stood there with wide eyes, sweating more as she seconds past. He couldn't believe it. 
          "It's true!" Wendy defended her best friend. "The Royal Army is going to attack this place next!"
          "Let 'em do as they please."
          "The Queen'll just brush them off with magic, and I'm sure the Princess won't even need to help!" 
          "If you don't flee, you all will be in danger!!" Wendy finally shouted, making some comments stop. That was till a rock hit Wendy on the head.
          "Shut it, human!"
          "Wendy!" Charle gasped as more rocks were starting to get thrown.
          "You don't even know about the Queen's magical power!"
          "The Queen and Princess have the strongest magic power in all the lands!"
          "We're exceeds! We're greater than you humans!!"
          "Stop it!" Charle demanded, both her and Wendy covering their heads.

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