chapter 15

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↑↑↑(Watch the video and maybe you'll get a hint of whats about to happen)

malias pov

we had fell asleep after the film and I woke up first . I woke up to stiles being the big spoon for once which surprised me and made me giggle slightly. His face was was buried in my hair. I turned round carefully trying not to wake him and memorised every detail on his face . like his cute dimples , his long eyelashes oh and his lips, his slightly plump lips which felt so perfect when he kissed me ever so softly. I thought I'd go to scotts house and ask for some ingredients for pancakes because I know stiles loves pancakes and Scotts mum has pretty much all the ingredients in the world! (I have no money because I haven't been payed yet) so I quickly and quietly left a note at at the side of the bed on the pillow I was sleeping on and rushed off and walked to Scotts house . I arrived at his house about 10 minutes later and I knocked on the door twice. Scott soon awnsered the door and said "oh hey malia" he said with a grin . "hey ! Erm can I borrow some ingredients please I'm making something for stiles " I smiled. "Yeah come in" he said eyeing me up and down which was pretty weird. But I didn't think much of it and just ran to the kitchen because I was in a hurry . " where's your mum?" I said whilst packing the ingredients in a bag. "At work" he said shortly. I heard him coming closer to me and soon he gripped my waist. I quickly turned around and said "what the hell?! You know I'm with stiles!?" He forcefully put pressure on my arms making it hard for me to move them I was using my wolf strength but his alpha strength beat mine . "GET OFF ME!!" I screamed . he started to kiss me forcefully I kept trying to pull away but he put one of his hands on my mouth to cover me screming. Tears were streaming down my face. Oh shit the baby the babys gonna get hurt! He said "now hush this is only gonna be quick" and once he said that he unzipped his zipper on his  trousers. I squeezed my eyes shut frightened to what was gonna happen next but that's when he got pulled back and slammed against the wall hard from someone. That wasn't just someone that was stiles . "WHAT THE FUCK SCOTT?! YOU JUST TRIED TO RAPE MY GIRLFRIEND ! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" stiles screamed in Scotts face his face red with pure anger still gripped on to his collar and slamming him against the wall over and over again. Scott just laughed smugly and said " I don't know what she sees in you" and With that stiles punched Scott about 4 times in the face with all his strenghth and left an unconcious Scott on the floor with a bloody mouth and bloody nose. I was crying and hyperventalating I felt like I could no longer breath . stiles rushed over to me  "baby! Are you okay! Its okay baby I'm here now. ive dealt with this fucking asshole. I love you so much don't ever do that to me again don't leave me like that again thinking you were gonna be okay but you werent. Oh god I hate that bastard because of what he did to you my poor sweet ,innocent baby girl. jesus and the baby! " he looked at me worriedly as i sobbed uncontrollably he quickly put his hand on my stomach and stroked it gently. he soon embrased me in a hug and was consoling me saying its okay and that he was there now. He escorted me from scotts house and took me to his jeep and back to his house never letting go of my hand
I'm sorry I haven't posted in months I've been so busy with everything I actually forgot about this story. By the way this is so bad  lmao and boring but hopefully it will get better xoxox keep voting and commenting to tell me what you think ! :)

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