15- Rogue

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City lights blur themselves to twinkling red, blue, yellow, and green. Stores within the highways were already closing.

If there is one night to be vigilant, this will be that night.

We have no idea of what's waiting for us on that address written in the map, but sometimes, not thinking of the consequences makes the task more exciting. That's what we are doing inside Michael's car. Shan busied herself reading something on her mobile phone while I am driving. Mikey's eating his dinner, since he didn't get the chance to do it from his house. Together, the three of us avoids conversations about what's actually going to happen, as if going outside in a midnight is never dangerous.

Turn right, the voice from the car's GPS announced, Right on the way.

We stopped at the green point on the GPS. As we ponder upon the open car window, a lighted bulb made a spotlight on a street sign of Onique Street. The street was kind of big, it could probably home a bus, and on the end of the long passage, was a chain linked fence. A small carton piece with spray paint was plastered on the middle of the fence, saying KEEP OUT! WE ARE THE BAKERZ OF DEATH! We can barely see what's on the other side of it; the fluorescent bulbs were really dim and bleeding red. It's like a horror set up.

We left the car and stepped one by one towards the end of the street as slowy as we can. We are half expecting a street dog bursting in our direction, but it stayed lying on the ground and just stared at us as we pass the unanimated creature.

Probably the dog was too hungry to care about us. The place looks so much abandoned to ever inhabit a civilian a civilian capable of feeding a stray dog. I wonder why would anyone name this a Baker's Place.

I can't imagine Samantha in here. But there's no other way to look for the next clue, the address was very clear. Onique Street. Baker's Place.

Block by block, we are getting near the fence. I heard Mikey whispering something to Shantele. "Shanny, will you remind me again why we are going on this mission in the middle of the night? Where there are no cops near and there's 99% chance that those trash bins probably contains dead, chopped bodies?"

Shan whispered back, "Because if we don't do this tonight, we could lose a chance you know, what if we die tomorrow? Then we wouldn't have a chance to do it again. So let me remind you that this is for the best, tomorrow is Sunday and we have family tasks and if we choose tomorrow we are probably going to end up on the same night time. The same as in the weekdays, we have graduation practice. So the real question is, why not tonight?"

I heard Mikey mumble something verbally inappropriate as we pause in front of the chain fence that ends just above my forehead. "We have to climb." I announced.

Shantelle was first to climb using my back as a stepping block as Michael help her put her feet on each hole in the fence. We heard as she landed on the other side. Then Michael came next. It was only me when Carlo shouted from inside the fence, "Troy! You could use the trash bins that probably contain chopped bodies as a step!"

I stacked the bins on top of each other, making a nice stair-looking pile; I can't help but gaze a little bit at my masterpiece. Sometimes I thought, the small accomplishments can distract us from the unfinished bigger tasks.

After I am finally atop the fence using my creation, I landed next to Mikey.

Michael congratulated me and added, "Nice, but is there any chance you found any chopped parts inside those filthy bins? Maybe a lost ear, or teeth, or..." Michael stopped from talking when we heard Shantelle scream. She wondered a little from our sight and now retreating to us. Her face scared and on shock.

"What's the matter?" I mutter as she stumbles on her way to us.

She almost crushed on the two of us. Beads of sweat were dripping from her fore head, the panic is clear in her voice when she speak, "Climb! Go back."

There was no questioning, it was clear that we need to follow her.

We did. Thank goodness for the packs of cement on the left side that we quickly found an escape ladder. Shantelle was already climbing up, and Michael rushed afterwards. They stopped on the top of the fence and they were shouting words that mixed together with the voices from behind me.

There were people coming from the darker alleys. And they sounded angry.

My feet turned into autopilot and I climbed hysterically on top of the cement packs. Shantelle and Michael were reaching my hands and it was much later that I heard them shout to not look back. But I already turned my head right in the middle of the fence.


I saw the mob of armed street beggars carrying bats and broken glasses. I started to climb again, ignoring the fact I surely won't make it through.

Shantelle screamed again as a smooth, solid object hurl at the back of head.

I fell hard on the ground and saw two bloody hands drag me out of the light and towards the pitch black portion of the space.


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