11- Paper Weights

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...and Tragedy told me, "Why don't you try and make it sweet?"

"I love you," I replied, "And I've been writing about you."



Samantha's POV

The strange-almost-borderline-creepy-slash-sort of-adorable smile that her physics partner has on his face took Samantha's attention. It was Friday, and it was the most dreaded day for almost everyone because it was also known as the day where all the major subjects and minor-that-feels-major subjects fill every student's schedule. So it's either, stressful hard subjects or those kinds of subjects that stresses you out because they're too boring, and you know from the depths of your soul that you're not going to use it in the near or far future anyways

That period was Physics, advanced at that one, held in the physics laboratory. Aside from the fact that not everyone cares about how mass and Newton can set a machine on the go, it was also the last period so almost everyone's asleep, save for Samantha and her partner, as well as the earth's future scientists.

"You could sleep if the war tired you out, Trojan." She grinned at Troy Pendelleton who was wearing the smile that just caught her attention.

"I'm not missing any moment when it comes to Friday." The boy said in determination. Samantha just laughed softly because she knew that on the usual days where she wasn't Troy's lab partner, he would be just one of those folks enjoying their dreamland, "I still can't believe it though, that you've never fallen asleep at times like this."

Samantha shrugged, Physics wasn't her cup of tea, nor does she find it interesting. To be honest, her brain wasn't processing anything that the woman in front was enthusiastically discussing. And that was the point; their teacher was so passionate about what she was saying so it felt just disrespectful to sleep on the subject.

"If anything, Mrs. Martha Collins doesn't deserve the vinegar." Samantha said with the corner of her lips tugging upward. Troy grinned as well, probably joining her trip to the memory lane.

It was just a week ago, the vinegar scandal happened to Mr. Voldemort. No reference to Harry Potter, his name was like that, really.

Mr. Blake Ramsey J. Voldemort was his full name, and he actually has a nose, a huge one at that.But that's not the reason why he was popular in the campus. He was known because every student at the school loathes him.

First of all, he was boring, he doesn't really teach. All he does was to sit on the teacher's desk and expect his students to comprehend all the lessons that he was paid to teach, and it was really annoying because he was supposed to teach Chemistry, one of the hardest subjects in the world.

He opens his mouth only to start a sermon, and if someone actually wrote whatever he said, it would some up to something thicker than the Bible, only his version was full of nonsense and repetitive stupidity. Nevertheless, what triggered the scandal was when he accused a group of student with cheating on a pre-test.

I mean, who the heck cheats on a test that was not recorded and will never, have an impact in your life!?

Anyways, Mr. Voldemort conducted a pre-test that time, and for reasons of coincidence, seven students, sitting together, in alphabetical order, have the same scores. While usually, that signifies cheating, all of the seven students have different correct and mistakes. It was just one huge coincidence. However, Mr. Voldemort started his sermon about cheating, blah...And when one of those seven, Haven Lee, captain of the debate club proved her point and defending the other six, and making the whole agree with her, Mr. Voldemort kicked her out from the room.

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