Love, Love, Love

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Brooke's POV

Today is just a day of fun with Lydia, Malia and Erica. We're kinda doing a pampering day. The guys are doing the same. Not pampering themselves, but they're all hanging out. Then later we're all meeting up at the twin's house.

"I've got all the stuff we need!" Lydia comes in with the biggest smile I've ever seen and the biggest back too.

She starts taking things out laying out makeup, hair tools, nail polish, and everything a girl could possibly need. 

"So who wants a make over first" She says. I quickly take a step back. Erica and I push Malia towards her.

"Guys!" Malia yells rolling her eyes at us. Erica and I smile and give her a thumbs up.

"Malia this is gonna be fun, don't you worry about it" Lydia squeals. Malia is one of the least girly girl's I know, which is why we pushed her in. Erica and I grabbed our stuff and started getting ready.

Stiles' POV

I brought a bunch of food over to the twin's house. I may not completely like Grayson for being with Brooke, but I gotta get over that. I grab the food and go to their door stumbling with all the stuff in my hands.

The door opens and Isaac is standing their.

"Stiles! Come in man" He says smiling. I walk in and place the bags on the floor. Everyone greets me saying "Hey" "Hi" "What's up". The twins came in and brought the bags to the kitchen. I went up stairs to use the bathroom. When I was getting out I bumped into Grayson.

"Hey man could we talk for a sec?" he asks motioning to walk with him. He enters his room.

"I hope there's no hard feelings or anything weird between us" he says looking down. I don't know what to say. Of course I'm pissed, but it's not his fault. It's my own fault.

"No no, it's fine. She's all yours, she's happy with you. So it's good, really good" I say awkwardly as I notice a picture of them making out on the grass from the day they played lacrosse together. 

"Nice, thanks Stiles, it means a lot to know you're fine with it. I wouldn't want there to be any awkwardness" he says coming to me giving me a bro hug.

Erica's POV

"So how's it going with you and Grayson?" I ask Brooke, as I brush out my hair. She immediately starts smiling, just from me mentioning his name. She's so adorable, she's so in love with him. 

"It's great. What I feel for him is nothing like what I've ever felt for anyone before. Like I love people and have loved people, but not like my love for him." she pauses for a second, while looking at her phone that shows a picture of them.

"He's what saved me. What I feel for him saved me. It's more than love, it's like I'm tethered to him and I just knew that if I could just fight all that pain, it'd all be worth it because I'd get to see him again." she pauses again smiling uncontrollably

"I know it sounds crazy because we haven't known each other for that long, but there's just this click between us. I know that I'll always feel something for him." she says looking up at me. I start smiling, just seeing how in love she is. She genuinely loves him so much, and I admire that. I would love for someone to love me like that. I know I have Scott, but what we have is nothing like them.

"Brooke you give me a lot of hope you know that?" I say, she looks confused for a second but just smiles.

"You give me hope that someday someone will love me like that. But that also, one day I can love like that. That I could have a love that makes me wanna survive the bad days." I say looking at a picture of Scott and I.

I start to straighten my hair and Brooke starts to curl hers. 

"Hey can you help me with my make up? I would ask Lydia but man I'm afraid she'll go overboard" I say giggling 

"Yeah of course, what kind of look do you want?" she asks

"Surprise me" I say smiling

Isaac's POV

Ethan, Grayson, Scott, Stiles, Josh and I are here all sitting in the living room. It's kinda boring so I decide to make things about the girls. 

"So how's everyone's relationships going?" I ask smirking. I notice Stiles look directly at Grayson, oops. Grayson doesn't even notice 

"Well I might ask out Malia tonight" Ethan says breaking the silence. We all kinda cheer him on and Josh hi fives him mouthing the word "Nice"

"Josh what about you? We know you've got something going on with Lydia" I say. He starts smiling and blushing. Dude is so head over heels for her.

"OOOOOOHHHHHHH" We all shout

"Josh is in loveeeeeeee" I say

"Stop, stop. I don't what we are, we aren't official, but Lydia a pretty special girl." he says grinning.

"What about lover boy?" Josh says pointing to Grayson, causing everyone to laugh. 

"Lover boy is in love" I say patting Grayson on the back while he's smiling uncontrollably.

Grayson's POV

"I am. Brooke's amazing. The thought of her makes me smile. I  wanna be with her whenever I can because I feel like there's this pull and it pulls us closer to each other. It's like we're good without each other, but so much better together. I mean seeing her go through all that pain when she did, was killing me inside. And when she told me I was what got her through it, I think I fell in love with her even more. That's what love is, living for each other because nothing else really matters if they're not there too." I say just getting lost in my feelings for her. Shes the most amazing person I've ever met. 

"Woah dude too sappy" Ethans says smirking.

Josh's POV

"Shut up Ethan, that was sweet Gray, Brooke's lucky to have a guy like you, who would never give up on her" I say subbing Stiles. Because I know he broke up with her without giving her any chance to explain herself. But it's good he did because she gets to be with someone better than him. When I say this I notice Stiles giving me a glare from the corner of my eye. 

Erica's POV

"Wow, Brooke, I-I-I look "

"Beautiful, you look beautiful like you always do" Brooke says while we look in the mirror. I usually do really dark vampy makeup. But Brooke did a soft more natural and girly look. I love it. As we're looking in the mirror we hear Lydia scream "I'M FINISHED!!"

The door swings open

"How do I look?" asks Malia walking in looking like a completely different person.

"You looking amazing" Brooke says. I nod agreeing

"Yeah really really beautiful Malia" I say 

"Thanks guys, and thanks Lydia. I never really gave the girly look a chance, but I really like it." she says

Brooke's POV

"Lydia, thanks. I really mean it. Malia is really happy and that means a lot to me. Seeing the people I love happy matters to me." I say pulling her in for a hug

"Brooke it's no big deal, i'm glad she likes it" she says as we pull away from the hug.

"Lydia" I say as she walks away to get ready

"Yeah?" she says

"Josh really likes when girls wear red" I says smiling

"You're helping me get him?" she says confused

"Like I said Lydia, seeing the people I love happy matters to me. And I know you make him happy and that's enough for me. I just want everyone to happy."

It's all about the eyes//Teen wolf & Dolan twin mash upDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora