Last breath

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I haven't written in a long time, so let's see how this goes.

Brooke's POV

Everything's so blurry. I kept knocking out and waking back up. I hear bits and pieces of conversation

"She's dyi---"

"Are we almost the--"


I felt wobbly. I think we're moving.

Grayson's POV

"Ethan we need to hurry" 

I'm very worried. Brooke's been passing out on and off for the past 20 or 30 minutes. I run through the doors after Ethan opens them.

"DEATON WE'RE HERE" Ethan screams

Running towards the room I notice blood is starting to come out Brooke's mouth. I place her on the table

"Deaton what's happening, why is she bleeding, she's never physically shown any --"

Deaton cuts me off

"Get me the knife in the second drawer to the left"

I run over and grab him a knife and pass it to him. I look at him to see what he is going to do. He lifts his arm like he is ready to stab her. I look at Ethan with a puzzling face. Deaton starts to count down, grasping the knife harder. Before I know it he turns to face Ethan, so I grab his arm before he can stab him. 

"What are you doing Deaton!" I yell

"She would do anything for friends. We need to force her to by putting you in danger." he responds

"Why didn't you just tell us" Ethan says

"I won't work now, the moment is gone" Deaton says

I go up to her and push her hair out of her face.

"So what can we do to help her?" I say doubtfully

"There's nothing we can do. I don't know how much time she has, but she needs to have something to push her to survive and fight off the nogitsune"

Brooke's POV

I think this could be the end. I can barely breathe. Every breath feels like it'll be the last one. It hurts so much, I feel like I can't move. I feel like this is the end.

"Brooke, Brooke please fight through this" I can hear Grayson say, but I can see him anymore. I can't see anything. But I feel him grab my hand and hold onto it tightly.

"I'm gonna call the others and tell them what's happening" Ethan says

Ethan's POV

Just as I'm about to call Isaac, Brooke starts screaming.


"What's going on" Grayson says filled with worry

"SOMEONE'S HURT" Brooke screams

*ring* my phone goes off as a howl is heard

"What's happening?" I say as I answer the phone

"It's Josh. He's hurt pretty badly. There was a wolf on the other team." Isaac says

"Won't he heal?" I say confused

"Ethan, it's bad, really bad. He's bleeding out black blood." Isaac says

I look at Brooke she's saying things to herself then screaming every once in a while.

"Deaton what's going on with Brooke" Grayson asks with concern

It's all about the eyes//Teen wolf & Dolan twin mash upDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora