you're everything i need and nothing i don't (Dean Ambrose)

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"Dean, oh my god!" I heard another girl laugh from the other side of the corner.
"What it's true though?" Dean laughed and did his Triple H impression again.
"Hey sugar." I turned the corner.
"Hey Karls." he leaned down and kissed my cheek. Dean had been my boyfriend for almost six months, and so far things had been amazing. I was the only problem. Every other diva was more pretty, more athletic, funnier, smarter, I couldn't understand why Dean would want to be with me. It felt like some giant joke.
"You guys are so cute." Becky smiled at us. "I'll see you guys later." she waved and walked back down the hall.

"Hey Little Hellraiser," Dean teased me, "what's wrong?" he titled my chin up and I looked into those beautiful ocean eyes.
"Nothing." I smiled.
"Don't lie to me." he narrowed his eyes.
"I'm not!" I giggled.
"Come here." he wrapped me up in his arms and kissed my forehead. "You wanna hang out tonight or just go get some sleep?" he looked down at me.
"Let's hang out, if you want I mean..."
"Of course I wanna hang out with my girl. With Finn and Beck or just a little me and you." he ran his hands across my hips and pulled me back to him. He teased me, knowing it drove me wild.
"Beck and Finn is fine, I'll get you alone letter." I stood on my toes and kissed his nose. I spun on my heels to walk away, Dean making quick work of bringing me back to him.
"Now, what kind of see ya later kiss is that?" he smirked his signature smirk and pressed his lips firmly against mine. His hand rested on the small of my back. "I'll come see you before my match." he pecked my lips again and smacked my butt as I walked away. I turned back giggling.
I walked into the giant locker room the divas shared.
"Aye Karleigh, you okay? Seemed a little down when you walked up?" Becky asked. She was a good friend, genuinely concerned.
"I couldn't be sad if I had that hunk of a champ to claim as mine." Paige applied purple lipstick as she said it, smacking her lips as she walked away.
"That makes two of us. Besides, he's so funny and witty." Summer flipped her hair. When I was with Dean, I felt fine. I wasn't scared. Nothing hurt. I was perfect and untouchable. But with other divas around me, I felt so unattractive, and worthless.

"Don't listen to them, Karls, okay? Come have fun with us later? Okay? Ignore them." she hugged me and walked away. A few minutes later Dean came looking for me.

"Hey Angel." he kissed my nose.
"Hi." I sighed.
"What is up with you? Are you sick? Are you mad? Does your tummy hurt? Aunt Flo...?" he was such a dork.
"Dean!" I pushed him backwards.
"Just curious. Want some candy?"
"I'm already fat enough." I pouted.
"Hey hey hey hey, woahhhhhh." he stopped me. "No, no, no. None of that. Why are you beating yourself up like this?" he made me look at him.
"You could have any girl in there, please tell me why you chose me." I had tears in my eyes again.
"Because I love everything about you, okay?" he had never directly said those three words. "I love your hair, and your eyes, and your smile. I love your arms, stomach, legs, feet, everything. Even that little mole on the back of your left hand."
"I don't have a-" but sure enough it was there.
"You're funny and smart. You kick my ass at video games. You make kickass cookies. You're so strong. In every sense of the word. The best part tho? None of you is plastic, I have the world's most naturally perfect girl right here in front of me and she's mine. Forget Becky and Finn tonight, it's just me and you. We're gunna chill okay? Now your man is gunna go be a champ. Like he was born to be. I'll be back soon. You can go ahead and leave or wait on me, I don't mind." he kissed my forehead and then my lips.
"I'll stay." I smiled at him.
"Hey. Why don't you come with?" he squeezed my hand.
"Why not?" I laughed and stood with him waiting for the music to hit. We walked out hand in hand. Dean held me at arms length to show off. I giggled and he twirled me back in, kissing me sweetly. I heard a nice little pop from the crowd. I stood ringside and watched as Dean battled Roman, ultimately winning in the end. I slid in the ring and held the hand of my champion. He kissed me sweetly and we want back stage. Walking up the ramp, I realized Dean just showed me off to millions of people all around the world..I turned to smile at him and caught him already staring.

"Go ahead home and I'll meet you there okay? I'm gunna shower and try to find Seth." he kissed my forehead.
"Wait...mine or yours?" I called after him.
"Mine, you dork." his laugh echoing down the hallway.
When I got to Dean's, I decided to give him a little bit of a surprise and be waiting on his bed in one of his t-shirts and my shorts. I grabbed my favorite white t-shirt and headed to bathroom. I quickly washed my hair and all of the night's dirt and sweat away. Climbed into the most comfortable t-shirt my skin had ever felt and slipped on a pair of shorts. I was humming softly to myself as I walked into Dean's room and there sprawled on the bed, wearing only a pair of jeans was my ever so lovable boyfriend. He had his left hand thrown over his face and was breathing slowly. I giggled, and leaned down to kiss him.
"Mm, I could get used to being woken up like that." he mumbled sleepily, pulling me to lay next to him. "I didn't think you were coming. I thought you just went home." he nuzzled me into his chest.
"Why would I do that?" I pushed his hair off of his face.
"You wigged out on me earlier..."
"I just get scared, you mean so much to me. I don't want to lose you and I've never even been able to understand why you chose me."
"I told you earlier Babygirl." he kissed my forehead. "I'm crazy about you and someday you're going to believe me. He sat up on his elbow to look at me. He scanned my body up and down. "You look damn good in this t-shirt. Why have I never seen it before?" he laid his hand on my side.
"Because it's yours?" I giggled.
"That, that is why I love you." I looked up at him like a deer caught in headlights. "Yes I said it, and yes I meant it. I love you." he leaned down and kissed me slowly. "Now I know one very cute girl who needs to get some sleep before she doesnt get up in the morning." He stood from the bed, and I did too. "Where do you think you're going? I'm changing. What are you doing?" he raised an eyebrow.
"You....want me to stay all night with you?" I smiled, kneeling on his bed.
"Yes, yes I do." he slipped off his jeans and pulled on a pair of shorts. He came, pulled the covers down on the bed and laid there. "Come here." he pulled me down next to him and wrapped the blankets around me. "There. That's better." he kissed my forehead. "I love you, Karleigh. I love you so much."
"I love you." I said as I drifted into the most peaceful sleep I've ever had.

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