{jimmy uso request}

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"Taneesha, please don't...you know how dangerous things can get out there..okay? I did it a couple weeks ago and it ain't pretty. Those are big guys, and sis you're small. I know you don't like to hear it, but you are." 

    "Fine..okay, I won't go.." I muttered. Sometimes I think she still thinks we're kids and I don't need to go down the big slide. 

"Hey, baby." He kissed the side of my head. "What's wrong?" 

    "I'm worried about you...I just want to be down there tonight in case anything does go wrong." 

"Taneesha...those aren't regular guys...if this was even Gallows and Anderson, you know I'd want you by my side. But when I married you, I promised to protect you and I can't have you down there if I'm going to hold true to that promise.."  He seemed genuinely worried, like he knew what could happen. 

    "Okay...okay, I'll stay here." He held out his pinky and looked at me..

"Not leaving until you do it." I couldn't help but to smile.

    "Since day one, baby.." I linked his pinky in mine. 

"Til the end of time." He kissed me quick. 

   "Jey, let's go show these overgrown rats who runs this shit." They got hyped before heading out. 

"Do you ever wonder why we married them?" Naomi laughed.

    "Every single time they walk through that curtain..." I whispered.

"Hey, they're fine...what's wrong?" 

    "I just don't feel right about this one." I stood nervously in front of the monitor, my sister by my side. Everything seemed okay at first...they were holding their own, and then chairs got involved. "I told you." They spilled out of the ring and the beating just didn't stop. I took off running towards the ramp. I didn't have a plan, I just needed to be there. "NO!" I yelled as soon as Rowan went for a headshot with the chair, wrapping myself around Jimmy. The cool metal hit the bottom of my neck and everything went black. I felt myself being flung into the barricade and that was it. 

"GET ME A MEDIC, MAN. THIS AIN'T A GAME. Where's the stretcher and the fucking head thing?" He was frantic. I wanted to open my eyes and tell him I would be okay, but I couldn't. "Hang on, baby. They're coming..they're coming. We're gunna make you okay. Yeah...you're okay.." His voice was soothing and I drifted back to sleep. 

   "Taneesha..c'mon, wake up for me." Doc was shining his flashlight in my eyes. I slowly opened them on my own.  "Hey, welcome back." He smiled. I tried to sit up but instantly got pushed down. 

"There's my girl..." He gripped my hand tightly. "Don't you ever scare me like that. Forever means forever." He kissed my hand, I could tell he had been crying. 

    "This wasn't your fault.." I mumbled.

"No, it was...I shoulda fought harder. I'm so sorry." 

    "Hey, come here."  He leaned down to me and I kissed him softly, "none of this is your fault. I would get hit 1000 times if it means keeping you safe." 

"You have no idea how lucky I am to have you by my side..you make every bump and bruise worth it. Let's get you home." He kissed my forehead and pulled me up off Doc's table. As long as I was going home with that amazing man, any bump would be worth it. 

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