Chapter Sixteen: She's Different

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So I changed a small thing. Instead of Alice being 7, she will be 14. A small change, not much. Bailee Madison shall play Alice. Her eyes will still be blue :3

-Jacob's POV-

"Come on Alice," I said as she was fixing her brown locks.

"I'm going!" She said and was finally okay with her appearance.

"You take forever to get ready," I said.

"I want to be presentable when I meet your girlfriend," She said.

"Oh shut up and let's go," I said smiling.

We both walked out of our house and I asked her a question. "Remember the plan. I get it if you don't want-"

"I want to, really," She said.

"Okay. Beatrice and Thomas know, so tonight we have to get ready," I stated.

Alice nodded and we continued our walk in silence.


"You're so pretty!" Autumn exclaimed once she saw Alice.

"Me? Look at you, you're gorgeous," Alice replied. Autumn blushed and I laughed.

"You're both beautiful," I said and walked in the house.

"So, Alice right?" Autumn asked.

"Yeah, the one and only," Alice replied.


Autumn laughed, "I'm guessing being cocky runs in the family."

"Possibly," I said smirking.

"I'll go get Mason and Summer. You both can sit down," Autumn said running upstairs.

I took a seat in the kitchen and Alice took the one next to me. A few seconds later, I heard a squeal and then footsteps.

Summer, Mason, and Autumn ran downstairs. Summer ran towards Alice and gave her a big hug. She pulled away and beamed at her.

"I'm Summer, Autumn's best friend and Mason's girlfriend," Summer said.

Mason gave Alice a quick hug and said, "I'm Mason. Autumn's older brother and Summer's boyfriend."

Autumn hugged Alice and she gasped. Before she could introduce herself, Alice said, "You're Autumn. Summer's best friend. Mason's younger sister by two minutes and Jacob's girlfriend. Your parents, Hope and Ben, and your close friends might be dead from a quest over the seas."

Autumn pulled away quickly and looked at Alice. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"How did you know all that?!" Autumn demanded.

I stood up and asked, "Alice? How do you know all this?"

I remembered, and then mumbled, "It can't be..."

Alice blinked twice and then fell down on the chair. She looked at all of us, and stopped on Autumn. "You're different..." She whispered.

-Alice's POV-

I stared at Autumn. When she hugged me, I could see everything in her past. Her memories.

"I- I don't know," I whispered looking down at my hands.

Jacob crouched down next to me and held my hands in his. "I think it's the... It's happening." He whispered and I knew he was right.

Autumn stepped forward. "What's going on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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