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We are free! The huge smile on my face won't come off and my mouth is getting sore. But I'm to happy to care! Alex seems better, seeing as she's making out with Ethan, and Drew and Ella and I are laughing! At absolutely nothing funny! Drew pointed out a blue bird in a nest and we all started laughing!

This is amazing!
I hear the rustle of leaves, but there's no wind. I'm the only one awake and my first thought is 'Craig!' but then I see a small shadow. A girls shadow. She slowely breaks the cover and I recognize her. I have seen her in Hatta Almawt. We are okay.
I stand up and walk twords her. She stops and looks at me. She smiles.

"Where's Alex? I need to thank her!" She says with a smile.

I look over at Alex and Ethan who are curled up in one tight little ball.

"She's asleep." I say still staring at them. They're so cute together!
"Can I stay with you guys for a little while?" She asks tentatively.

"Sure!" I say.

Hatta AlmawtWhere stories live. Discover now