Coming Home

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"Congratulations you are all officially Vets" My professor yelled while clapping her hands. I felt a small smile crawl onto my face, I did it after 7 years of med school I am a Vet which is sort of ironic seeing how my father is the president of the most dangerous MC gang in the state of Boston, I wanted to go to Vet school because I needed to get out of the gang life. My brother was in jail and my mom was lonely. Besides I loved animals.

"We did it" My best friend Em yelped shaking me with excitement. We both made it on the honor roll but only Em manage to get a job fresh out of college here in Minnesota but me I am on my way back to Boston, back to the family I left.

"We did it" I smiled back at her giving her and a hug then fixing my glasses.

"I cannot believe you're not staying I am going to miss you so much" Em pouted at me as I placed the last box into the back seat of my Dodge Dart I bought it for a great price four years ago that's going to carry me for 22 hours back home.

"I'm going to miss you too Em but we will Skype every day and I'll visit you" Em quickly wiped her cheek so I wouldn't see the tears we had been roommates and best friends the past 7 years she was more like my sister. Em didn't know about where I came from or who my parents were even though a few of my dad's gang cases came up in class I just played dumb who would want to be friends with the most feared man's daughter?

"So this is goodbye?" Em asked sadly I nodded with tears running down my face.
I sobbed before giving her my final hug I climbed into my car and shifted it into gear and starting my journey, after 18 hours I stopped at a 24-hour Starbucks and got a large espresso and a cinnamon bun after I paid I jumped back onto the highway and activated my built-in Bluetooth recited the number that I had been calling since I was 3


"Hey Mama" I smiled Softly at my mom's voice the shock and excitement clear as day through my speakers. Nervously I tucked my naturally deep red hair behind my ear. "Yes Mama it's me and I have some good news" I say as I watch a silver Honda Accord switch lands in front of me.

"Well what is it Faye?" I giggled at my mother. She always had a kind soul that's why I didn't understand how she could be with my father after all the awful things he's done. Don't get me wrong I'm a Daddy's girl through and through but he is still a bad person.

"I'm coming home, traffic was better than I thought so I should be home in the next hour or so."

"Oh my god Faye, I can't believe it what about school? " My face fell a bit.

"I graduated yesterday, Mama" Silence met me on the phone.

"Why wouldn't you have told me?" The hurt clear on my mother's voice.

"Well I didn't think it would have been a good idea for Dad to be there." I smiled when I crossed the state line into Massachusetts.

"I suppose that's true. Okay sweetie drive safe I love you."

" I love you too, Mama." After she hung up I turned up the music flowing through my speakers and drove through the town that my father runs, the place I called home for so long. Nothing feels the same even the air tastes different.

I turned down the street that as a child I played I would pretend I owned it but now I felt like a stranger. As I pulled up to the curb and let the car idle in park as I stared out the window at my childhood home. The house was simply beautiful. It was huge with three stories the siding was white with black shutters there was a large underground pool my father installed when my brother and I were young it didn't sound like a gang leader would live here but my father didn't get all this from his legal car repair business.

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