Unwanted Roommate

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I sat quickly up in my bed I could feel the sweat rolling down my spine. A cool summer breeze blew in through my open window. I could taste the salt on my lips, another dream. He was in my head again, he always found a way back in. My alarm clock read 6:00 am the sun was just starting to rise. A perfect time for a run.

After putting my shorts and tank top on I went down the steps into the kitchen to guzzle down a bottle of water before lacing up my sneakers and jogging out the door into the street. This became a habit for me whenever I would get worked up over Matt or exams I would go for a run it would take the edge off.

After about 20 minutes I started to relax until I heard a Motorbike come up the road behind me. Hoping it was someone I didn't know I kept my head down and quickened my pace. I thought I was in the clear until the bike turned around. I looked up to see Dean pull up beside me.


"Hi Dean. Can I help you with something?"

"What do you think you're doing? Didn't anyone tell you were in a gang war?" He growled at me. I cocked my eyebrow at his attitude.

"No and why would they? I'm not in the gang. My family is."

"Exactly. They know who you are, Princess." Dean crossed his arms over his chest.

"Don't call me that." I snapped. Dean laughed.

"Why not? You're acting like one."

"If I was in any real danger don't you think my Dad would have put a couple guys on me? Or even a Prospect?" I cocked my eyebrow before turning on my heel and running back towards my house.

"Damn it Faye, I'm the one he put on you to protect you. So stop being so goddamn stubborn and get on the bike." Dean yelled as he pulled up beside me.

"No, and tell Dad I don't need a babysitter." I started to run faster. The last thing I needed was one of Dads goons finding out about Matt.

When I got home Dean's bike was already in my yard I rolled my eyes when I walked in and Dean was standing in my fridge. "You have no food. Not even Milk."

"I just moved in yesterday Dean, of course I don't have any food." I rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking.

"Get dressed. We're going grocery shopping. We're also buying stuff to cook with and plates." He sat at the bar stool.

"What are you talking about? Why would you go with me to buy all that stuff." I asked while I crossed my arms standing across the island from him.

"Well since you won't go to the clubhouse I have to protect you somehow. So it looks like I'm your new roommate." Dean said in a final tone.

"Like hell. I just met you last night. Tell my Dad no. You're his VP you have some pull in the gang."  I was frantic. I went to college 22 hours away so I didn't have to deal with all of this.

"Sorry kid, you're Dad's still the Prez not much I can do about it while we're in lockdown. So stop throwing a fit and get dressed." I rolled my eyes this time so he could see and took the stairs two at a time. After dressing in a pair of dark skinny jeans and a white flowing crop top with lace in the back I slipped on my boots and went down to see Dean stretched out on my couch reading one of the veterinarian magazines I had on the coffee table.

"You really are boring. You know that?" His mossy green eyes held a bit of humor in them.

"Let's go" I mumbled as I fixed my glasses. I grabbed my keys and my phone as I walked out the door. I got into the driver's side of my Dart and watched as Dean tried to squeezed into the passenger's side.

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